Chapter 11: In the Nick of Time?

Start from the beginning

"Where's Jake?" I ask Miles.

"Don't worry we're not leaving without him," Miles replies and his hand looks bloody and broken.

Rachel and Gene help him to his feet, "Can we get the hell out of here please?" Gene asks.

"You gotta take that woman," Miles voice is weak.

"Why?" Rachel asks.

"We can't move that woman," Gene disagrees.

"Trust me if you want Willoughby to last through the night- take her. Rachel, Adrianna, and you," Miles points to Carter, "Come with me."

"Where are you going?" Gene asks.

"Just go; we're right behind ya," Miles replies before we head through the red door.

There are cages lined up against the walls and I see Sarah and Jake locked behind the metal bars. Miles hands Rachel the keys and she quickly lets Sarah free before she moves onto Jake. Miles grabs a gun and passes it to me, before he grabs the rifle beside it.

The door on the other side of the room jiggles and keys clang before the door opens. Carter quickly shoots him; alerting everyone that we're here.

Smart one idiot!

"Who told you to shoot?" Miles sounds as annoyed as I'm feeling as they start heading towards us and one charges through the door heading straight for Miles. While Rachel is busy freeing Jake I grab the knife from the ground and stab him in the back.

The cage door opens and Jake grabs my hand as we start falling back barely making it through the door; barricading them out temporarily with a chair. Miles and Jake push and keep them out as Sarah heads down the ladder, followed by Rachel and then me, and I hear Miles and Jake running through the drain behind us.

Jake takes the spare horse, while Miles and Sarah get in the carriage with Gene, Phil and the sick woman. We don't waste a single second before we charge back home. I have no idea how we are going to get out of this mess alive.

Titus Andover and his war clan arrive first thing in the morning. What kind of name is Titus anyway? But that's beside the point. He's demanding his wife otherwise he will charge and kill everyone in town.

Miles made a deal with Andover. He's giving himself up to Andover along with his wife; the woman we took with us for the town's freedom. We're to meet in Denison but how am I meant to just leave knowing Miles is going to be used as a blood bag?

"Wait she's dead?" I whisper to Miles out front of the small post office. I couldn't keep ignoring him after the news, even though I wanted to.

"She killed herself."

"So what are we meant to do now?" Jake asks. Everyone's gathering supplies and loading up the carts.

"Get as many people out of here as possible," Miles replies.

"I'm not leaving Miles."

Like I said; if anyone's going to kill Miles it's going to be me.

"Yes you are. We've already had this discussion Ade. You're leaving; don't force my hand." Miles pulls me into a hug but I push him away.

I'm getting so sick of this.

"Stop it!"

"No," Miles shakes his head, "I love you Ade," Miles replies before he rushes off. I didn't even get to call him a stupid jerk!

The last two carts are ready for transport, and the town is practically empty. Miles has explosives ready as a back-up plan but it's not comforting in the slightest. Miles doesn't plan on being captured.

He's going down with the town.

"I know you don't want to leave but there has to be one-hundred guys out there at the very least," Jake grabs hold of my hand but I yank it away.

"He's my brother. I may hate him at the moment but that doesn't change the facts."

"I know--"

"He's the only brother I have left."

"I know. I lost my brother Beau two years ago to Monroe's soldiers and Jason was taken away by the Militia eight years ago. Trust me I know how you're feeling Ade, but do you really want the last memory of you brother being him forcing you to leave town. My guess is it's going to involve a bump on the head."

"He can try. Look Jake you need to leave."

Jake shakes his head, "Hell no. I'm not leaving you behind."

"Please I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I'm not leaving you behind."

We hear screams before the sea of bodies head straight for us and through the gates; their weapons waving in the air.

Andover knows. How the hell did he find out about his wife?

"The barrels!" Miles voice gains my attention as we all start falling back and Jake tightly grips my hand.

Miles kneels to the ground behind the barrels, "Jake, get her out of here!" Miles orders as he grabs the lighter from his pocket, "I'll be able to fight better knowing your safe Ade!" Miles urges me.

"If you die I'm going to kill you," I reply before I let Jake drag me away.

"What's our plan?"

"To get out of here; there's too many of them," Jake replies as I hear the explosion behind us. We're heading in the direction of the farm house.

We're just outside when we see the men in uniforms with guns heading into town; they must have snuck in through the fence.

Who the hell are they?

"Are you two alright?" The older man asks.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"The U.S government; we're here to help you. Get inside!" He instructs, and Jake nods before he drags me into the house.

U.S Government?

They sure arrived in the nick of time. Well not for all of us.


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