CHAPTER 19 * Not a morning person *

Start from the beginning

I stayed still, letting the water do it's job. I could still feel the ache in my shins. I must have woken up earlier than I did yesterday. I didn't want to wake him and decided to let him get some sleep. I was comfortable anyway. His arms held me firmly, which was a surprise because he was fast asleep. He didn't snore.

Thank God.

I wouldn't say I was a light sleeper, but I got disturbed easily. At least I would be getting some peaceful sleep while I was here. Not knowing what to do, I did the only thing I could without waking him.

I stared at him.

He had this beard which I thought was a work of art. A lot of guys on earth tried hard to develop beards, but few of them could actually pull it off. He wore his beautifully. He had a straight nose, like something sculpted by Picasso himself. His lashes were pretty long for a guy.

Who was I kidding, his lashes were longer than mine.

His skin was smooth. I wondered what it would feel like to touch it. I stopped myself just before I did.

Are you trying to get yourself killed?

I continued looking at him and eventually nodded off. When I opened my eyes again, he was awake.

"Had enough sleep?" he asked while looking forward at the door.

You're one to talk.

I just got up and out of his arms and went to get changed. From there I had my lunch with him.

"There's one more room I have to show you."

He walked out and I followed him. We were headed in the same direction as the training room. But we passed the door and continued down the hallway. It looked like a dead end. Then he turned left and a door opened.

How does he know where the door is? It all looks like one wall. Or can the door open wherever he stands?

"Are you coming?"

"Huh? Oh, right."

I followed him through and my eyes went wide.

"Wow," I whispered as I turned around in slow circles. This place was like nothing I had ever seen before. It was full of plants, trees and flowers all of different colours. Some species I recognised from home, while others looked otherworldly. Well, I guess they were.

I had watched movies of rich and royal people with mansions and castles that had green rooms. None of them compared to this. This place was huge. I looked up and saw stars. They created an amazing backdrop...or updrop.

"Wait, don't they need sunlight to grow?" I asked and noticed he was observing me. More like studying me.

"If you look carefully, you'll notice tiny lights emanating from above. They act as mini suns."

I looked up again and saw what he was talking about. "oh, oh, I see them." I looked back at him and he was still looking at me. "Do I have anything on my face?"

He averted his eyes and showed me around.

"Stay on these paths if you do not want to get lost. Our plant specialists only come here once a day, in the morning. You would only be found the following day if you were to get lost." He continued showing me around until we came back to the door we had used.

"You can explore the rest of the greenery on your own." I nodded already formulating a plan of how to explore it. I looked up again and noticed something I hadn't noticed before.

"What's that?" I pointed at the object on the ceiling.

He followed my gaze and saw what I was pointing at.

"A camera. More specifically, a heat sensitive camera. It only activates once something with heat passes by."

"Wait, I thought you said if I got lost, no one would come for me until the following morning."

He looked at me waiting for me to continue. I thought he would acknowledge what I had said by saying something or nodding his head. But no, he just kept looking at me. I rolled my eyes and continued. I noticed he reacted to my rolling my eyes at him.


"Why not just use the cameras to find me?"

"The cameras only focus on the paths. If you were to stray off the paths, they wouldn't be able to detect you."

"Oh, I get it."

He turned intending to leave me to continue exploring.

"Wait, who is on the other end of those cameras."

He turned back to me. "The security team."

"Can they hear what happens as well as see it?"

"No, they cannot."

"Why not?"

"Would you prefer it if they could hear as well as see you?" He said with a raised eyebrow. I shook my head no.

"It is for privacy reasons. As much as them seeing our activities is a breach of privacy, it cannot be avoided. The only remedy is that they not be able to hear what we discuss."

"Where else are there cameras?" I asked as I thought of myself in the bathroom or the closet.

"There are no cameras in our chambers or training room if that is what you are asking."

I heaved a sigh of relief.

"I shall leave you to your exploration."

He left and the door closed.

ABDUCTED: HOW THEY MET (bwwm)(completed)(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now