"Thanks guys. Guess I'll see you in a bit, then!" You say, urging yourself to go to sleep.

Be Roxy Lalonde==>

It's your fault. Even though during the ambulance ride Dirk and Jane were trying to convince you otherwise, you know it's your fault. You told Dirk to stay out longer just so you could be with Jane a little longer by yourself. Of course, you never brought up that point, since Jane was there too, but you still took the time to explain how it was all because of you. No, it didn't matter that Dirk and Jake were being careless. No, it didn't matter that it just so happened to be raining today. No, no no. Now one of your closest friends is going to the hospital, and all you can think about is how everything could be different if you had just let Jane go find the guys.

The ambulance arrived at the school not long after you called them. Jane was crying, whispering something about "just letting him be ok", and Dirk was completely silent. Poor guy. You know he likes Jake. You can't even imagine what he's going through, watching the love of his life fading before his eyes. Same with Jane. She seemed to be losing it.

You push the thoughts to the back of your head after entering the hospital, though. The last thing your injured friend needs is a pessimistic one. You whisper to yourself "He will be ok..." constantly. As if that'll help him in the ER. It might, you guess.

The emergency staff didn't let anyone go into the operating room with Jake. Not even Jane, with her pouring tears, and Dirk, with a dark murderous look on his face. They didn't need to do much anyways, and it didn't take very long. All they wanted to do was give him a few painkillers and clean out the wound. From what you could see, it was pretty deep too. The doctor claimed he didn't lose a lot of blood, but explain the need for a blood bag then?

Either way, you're glad he's ok.

Jane stops crying after a few hours, and they allow you and the others to visit Jake in his room. He looks peaceful, sleeping in the hospital bed, which of course makes Jane burst into tears again. Dirk smiles slightly. The creep. Of course he'd like to watch Jake sleep.

Even though you're supposed to be helping support Jane(you being her best friend and all), you still can't help thinking back to today's events at lunch. What if you had decided to confess your love for Jane? Would she really have rejected you, as you suspect she would, or would she have accepted your feelings? It didn't seem as though she would have, but then again you never really know what goes on in her mind. Even if she had rejected you, and you had been completely friend zoned, it's enough just to be her closest friend. And that's all that matters to you.

Be Jane Crocker==>

Jake looks peaceful, sleeping again. Even though he had just woken up a brief moment ago, you still feel as though he may go to sleep and never come back. Enough with your lovey-dovey feelings for now, if you lost Jake to death, wouldn't that be worse than losing him to another? Of course it would be. Why is that even a question?

You didn't know what to think about this whole situation. Your first instinct was to cry or scream. You just wanted to let all of your feelings out. You couldn't lose your close friend, not like this. You also wanted to yell at Dirk, to ask him why he wasn't more careful with his best friend. But the reasonable side of your mind knew that it wasn't his fault. It was no one's fault.

Roxy thought it was her fault. When everyone got into the ambulance, Roxy curled into a tiny ball in the corner of the car. She kept shaking her head, repeating it was "all her fault" and that "no one would forgive her". You and Dirk had spent the rest of the ride convincing her otherwise, while making sure Jake's vitals were reasonable for a living person.

Once at the hospital, you didn't want to leave Jake's side. Everyone was extremely upset when they found out they couldn't help out Jake further when he was admitted into the ER. And even though you were crying the entire ride to the hospital, it was hard to not cry when you, Dirk, and Roxy were waiting in the visitor's lobby.

Dirk was completely silent the entire time. Roxy didn't move from her chair, and it seemed like she was trying to either block out the entire day or blow up the world. It was hard to tell. One thing was true, everyone just wanted to see Jake again.

Be Dirk Strider==>

You can't believe what happened. You boyfrie---You mean your best friend--- is in the hospital for who knows how long. Roxy is having a mental breakdown. Jane has completely lost it. How could all this go wrong in one simple afternoon? And on the first day of school?

By the time Jake wakes up again, you've fallen asleep. You're quickly woken up by Jane, who smiles at you when you open up your eyes. How she can see your eyes through your shades, you have no idea. And then you realize. While you were sleeping, they dropped down to the edge of your nose. You quickly move them back to their place in front of your eyes, and wonder what else changed in the short time you were asleep.

Jake is sitting up in bed, with Roxy sitting next to him. They're quietly talking. You assume it's because you were just recently napping.

"Oh, Dirk! You're awake!" Roxy says, smiling at you. Jake looks over at you and smiles too, but it quickly fades into a laugh. You look at him, confused. Shifting your gaze to Roxy, you find that she's trying not to laugh as well.

"What? What is it? Is it something on my face?" You ask, wiping your face with the back of your hand. Jane is also looking at you, trying not to laugh. You walk over to the mirror that sits on the wall. Someone had drawn a large circle around your left eye, as well as a mustache and a couple other stray marks in black permanent marker. You feel your face turning bright red. You can't believe Jake saw you looking like this! You have to find a bathroom. Now.

You sprint out of the room, leaving Jake, Jane, and Roxy behind with bewildered looks on their faces. You quickly locate a bathroom, conveniently 2 doors down from where Jake is staying. Once inside, you attempt to wash off the marker, with no luck. You scrub at the markings until they fade out to a dull grey on your skin. Your phone dings. It's Roxy.

TG: dirk r u ok? u left pretty fast. sorry if we hrut u but ur boyfriend wants to see u

TG: *hurt

TG: and if it makes u feel better, he stopped laughin now

TT: I'll be heading back soon. Just need a second to cool down.

TG: understandable, just head back whenever ur ready

TT: Right. See you soon Rox.

You turn off your phone, only to be pestered again. This time it's Jane.

GG: Hey Dirk! Sorry if we embarrassed you in front of Jake. No hard feelings, right? :B

TT: Not at all. I'll be heading back soon. Try not to draw on my face when I come back.

GG: I take that as an accepted apology! See you soon!

Your friends. Even crazy with pranks when one of them is in the hospital. But you care about them anyways. You head back to Jake's room, attempting to sneak in unnoticed. You fail, obviously, considering you're pretty tall, have spiky white-blond hair, and are not good at being quiet. At all.

Everyone looks up when you walk inside, and Jake cracks you a small smile.

"Hey, Strider. Glad your face is looking a bit better." He says, laughing.

"Well, English, maybe I should keep the marker on my face next time." You say, teasing back. Jane and Roxy look extremely uncomfortable, and you and Jake burst into tears laughing. The girls still look uncomfortable, but allow smiles to show up on their faces.

Soon, everyone is chatting like normal again. If every day could just end like this, you wouldn't mind being presented with an issue every day. What's the worst that could happen, anyways?

[End of chapter 4]

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