My First Warped Tour

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I begged my dad for a couple weeks for Warped Tour tickets and his answer was always 

"We'll see" "We'll see"

On my birthday, he handed me an envelope and I opened it up to see Warped Tour 2012 tickets for June 30th in San Antonio, Texas which is about a 2 hour car drive.

I didn't want to go alone so when my friend, Tatyana jokingly said "we should go to Warped together" I took it seriously and her nana bought her the tickets!

We had fun, belting FIR songs all the way to the venue.

"OMG THERE IT IS!" We both yelled, seeing a hella lot of tents.

"I SEE FALLING IN REVERSE'S TENT!" She shouted, seeing the FIR logo on a black tent. We started squealing as my dad found parking. Some people were giving out red bags and were like "We don't need them." We then noticed, there was white writing on it.

"It says Warped Tour! Wait... no it doesn't." My friend said, looking at the bags from afar.

"Well... what does it say?" I asked.

"Epitaph?" My dad tried and thats when it hit.

Falling In Reverse is signed to Epitaph Records!

"Falling In Reverse is signed to Epitaph Records! We need that bag!" We hurried to get it but the time we got to the people, they moved locations.

"All well" I shrugged, looking where to go next.

We gave our canned foods to the Help The Children tent and got to jump the line. It started raining when we were waiting for the gates to open and I started to freak out. The one day I wear makeup, it rains. Perfect. I pulled out my bandana and placed it over my head. By the time the rain stopped, my arms and black Falling In Reverse shirt was soaked. 

We were finnaly let in and got in the line to get a schedule. My dad told us to go wait by the near-by tree and so we did. We heard a band start to play and we got freaked out. We did NOT wanna miss FIR or any of the other bands that she wanted to see.

My dad finnaly got the schedule and we hurried to an empty location to transfer the times into my Warped iPod app.

Once that was done we headed to the AP Magazine tent because my friend wanted an Alternative Press Magazine. She got in line to buy and then we found out if you buy a 1 year $10 subscription, you get a free magazine and a cut the line pass for the signings at the AP tent. We both subscribed but I chose the option where I got a free Sleeping With Sirens CD. I actually didn't LOVE SWS, my friend did though so she was agrivated. 

We headed over to Falling In Reverse's tent and I saw pillowcases. I begged my dad and he said maybe later. I also saw Mrs. Radke booty shorts but I knew my dad would never get those for me in a million years. We looked at the sign and it said 'Signing at 3' so we left to get a shaved ice.

We got in the super long line and since the $6 larges were HUGE we decided to share so my dad gave me $10 to pay for both of us and I would give the change to my dad. My dad went off to find the Pierce The Veil tent so we could see if they had a signing. We got our shaved ice and my dad came right as we exited the line, not being able to find the PTV tent. We headed over to an empty space on the asphalt since it was a parking lot and sat down, cross legged so our legs didn't touch the burning asphalt. We were right next to the stage PTV was going to be playing on and right now, Anti-Flag was on and PTV was next. My dad had his music blasting through his earphones but he could still hear.

"FUCK THIS! FUCK THAT! FUCK THIS! FUCK THAT!" They repeated that in their first song over and over again. I looked at my dad and he was looking down, sighing and shaking his head.

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