22. alex

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i walked into a bar with two of my friends, but one of them almost immediately ran off, upon catching sight of her boyfriend.

my other friend and i sat at the bar and ordered drinks, just sitting and talking for a while, until her boyfriend arrived.

"babe, i'm so sorry, but my boyfriend's here. i'll see you later." she offered me a smile.

"have fun." i winked playfully, smiling at her, but internally i was slightly annoyed as i didn't have a boyfriend to run off with.

"love, 'scuse me, but could you take a photo of us?" i heard, and turned to see a cute boy with brown hair tied up into a bun.

"yeah, of course." i smiled, and took his phone, taking a photo of him with three of his mates.

"thanks." he said when i gave him his phone back.

"you better give me credits on your insta for that." i smirked playfully.

"you might not want that, love." he grinned, causing me to notice how gorgeous he was.

"oh, really?" i raised an eyebrow with a little laugh.

"yes love, you might get a little bombarded." he said simple, a little smirk on his lips.

"why? you got thousands of followers?" i teased sarcastically, a playful grin on my lips matching one on his.

"actually, yeah." he smirked, opening instagram on his phone and showing me his profile.

"800k." i noticed, "so, am i in the presence of a celebrity.. alex?"

"kinda." he said with a little modest blush.

"do you act?" i asked.

"yeah, i'm in a show." he nodded.

"with those guys?" i asked, regarding the other three with him in the photo.

"nah, they're just my friends." he explained.

"what show are you on?"


"oh, isn't that on amazon? i think my dad watches that." i chuckled, "i think i walked into the room when he was watching you once and you were on. you look good as i viking." i smiled and alex nodded, a little proud smile on his lips.

"oi, alex, come here a min'." one of his friends called.

"have fun." i smiled.

"yeah, um, thanks for taking the photo of us." he said, returning my smile, "wait, what's your name?"


"alright, i'll see you later, y/n." alex said, before walking away to his friends.


i turned around to see alex grinning at me, "hey alex."

"so, i decided i might give you those creds.." he smirked, "in which case, i would need your insta, and probably your number too."

i laughed lightly, "of course." i playfully winked and happily gave him both.

alex lead me to a table in one far corner of the bar, and i sat down next to him, "so, what's it like to be an actor?" i asked.

"it's great. sometimes it's a bit stressful, but i love it." he said, a happy grin on his lips matching one on mine.

"do you get to travel the world?" i asked and alex nodded, "that's so cool." i smiled.

"yeah, it is. what do you do?"

"i have my own online bikini company and makeup line." i said, "and i want to branch out into being a travel blogger as well."

"yeah, that's sick." alex nodded, "how old are you, by the way?"

"i'm twenty-one in two days, you?"

"just twenty-three two a week ago." alex's eyes flickered down to my lips and i smirked.

he leant forwards to kiss me, and i pulled away to smile after a minute, but he cupped my face with his hands and pulled my lips back to his, my my heart fluttering.

alex's tongue slipped into my mouth as he deepened the kiss, and i cupped his face as he mumbled contentedly against my lips.

i pulled away, both of us breathing heavily, and i couldn't stop a grin from forming on my lips as i rested my head on alex's shoulder.

"that was good." he said and i nodded, looking at him to see he had a smirk on his lips, mirroring the one on mine.

alex picked up his phone to check the time, 23.19, and stood up, offering me his hand.

i gladly accepted and stood up, alex's eyes looking my body up and down, "shit." he mumbled, and i laughed.

"it's rude to stare, babe." i teased and he blushed lightly, eyes meeting mine again.

"i need to say bye to my mates." alex said, letting go of my hand, "i'll be back in a minute." he grinned.

i pulled out my phone and went to instagram, following him back, and just going through my feed for a while, until he returned a few minutes later.

alex smiled to me and lead me outside, "my house is just like fifteen minutes away."

"alright." i smiled, and he unlocked his car, getting in the driver's side as i got in the passenger's side.

alex stopped his car and unlocked the doors, the two of us getting out and he went to open his front door, immediately closing it after me, and pulling my lips back to his.

"jump." he mumbled against my lips and i did, my legs wrapping around his waist, his hands going to my butt.

alex carried me upstairs, without breaking the kiss, and put me down when we were in is bedroom.

he unzipped my dress, and i unbuttoned his shirt, him tugging it off as i pulled my dress over my head, and began to undo his belt.

i kicked off my heels, alex taking off his shoes, before lightly pushing me down onto his bed and hovering over me.

my gaze fell to his torso, but he leant down to kiss me again, and i matted my fingers into his hair.

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