GayBrick: (Gabriel's POV) Chapter 2

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I'm gay. And now I know for sure.
*10 minutes before*
It was 6th period. I had barely just finished my test when Mrs C said "Put your pencils down, unless you want to be seeing an F when you get your tests back." I put down my pencil and turned my paper around.
I noticed she was walking closer to Eryks desk. Which meant I can stare at Eryk. And people won't notice.
It was 5 minutes to 3:00. Meaning 5 minutes till me and Eryk are in the janitors closet.
I'm not sure what he wanted to do, but either way I can't let him know I'm possibly gay. And possibly like him. And so, I've made a plan, so no one knows I'm possibbly gay. I'm pretending I'm a homophobic. And hopefully no one finds out.
. . .

"Table 1." Mrs C called. As always. My table first. I walked out the classroom as Mrs said goodbye. I stayed out the door to wait for Table 6, Eryks table.
             "Bye Mrs."  Eryk said waving.
"I'll meet you there. I'm going across the street quickly to pick up a bag of ruffles. He said as he began to run. "OKAY!" I yelled as he ran.
     *5 minutes later*
"How'd you get here so fast?" I asked him as my heart beated rapidly.
"I took the short way... Let me guess you took the long way?" He said laughing, eating his bag of ruffles.
"I need to tell you something." Eryk said as he held my hand. At that momment I remembered. I can't let him know that I possibly like him. "I'm ga-" Eryk said until I stopped him.
"I'm a homophobe Eryk... I'm sorry." I've never  ran away so fast.
But now I knew.

     I'm gay. And now I know for sure.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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