I looked at her and felt the pain she had in her eyes.

"You know we would've handled it Why you ain't call us?" I asked her.

"Listen D I know everybody is tired of me fucking up my own life. Most of what has happened was my fault I just didn't want to give y'all another reason to think I failed again..." she cried into my chest as I held her.

"I haven't done anything to make any of y'all proud I know my momma shaking her head at all the fucked up decisions I've made, my own brother damn near disowned me long ago. And I feel like my son is disappointed in me even though he's not here. Everything everybody ever said to or about me was right. Everything Don said was true everything Ella and Jayla told me was true... I just failed at everything when all I've ever wanted to do was make my brothers both proud of me and I'm never going to do that." She said as I wrapped my arms around her.

"We all make mistakes in life B. You know I have my fair share of fuck ups everybody in this family had fucked up multiple times so don't ever feel like your a failure out of all of us if anything we all are. All of us came up doing shit we had no business. Everybody but Ella got blood on they hands. Everybody done shit they not proud of so nobody have room to judge anybody else." I told her.

"I just want my brother to love me again... that's all I've wanted since I was 13. Everybody knows that." She cried.

I sighed and just comforted her.

So if y'all wondering none of us know why Don is the way he is towards Bianca. They used to be close just like her and Artist but one day he just snapped on her when he had came in late night and she was up worried about him with Artist ever since then he just treated her like the step child or some shit. None of us really understand why. We like to just say it's him being a protective big brother but y'all haven't seen the shit he's really said and done to her it's like she's a random on the street he treat Ashley and Ella better than her and none of us understand his hatred towards her it came out of no where one day and ever since it's been like this.

"Don loves you you know how he is." I told her trying to make her feel better.

"No he doesn't. You know how many times he has said he hates me wishes I was never born and all that. I can understand how hard he had been on me lately but what about when I was just up waiting on him to come through the door because I thought he was dead? I was fucking 13 D! 13! That was long before any of this other shit went on. Or what about when he literally threw me out the fucking house down the fucking stairs and threw my shit at me the day before I graduated like I wasn't nothing. I wasn't crying across that stage because I was happy. I was crying because Ashley and I had to graduate alone. None of y'all were there even Artist didn't come. That shit hurt. To be graduating and having my only family not there. Do you have any idea how I fucking feel knowing my own blood hates me somebody I love with everything in me like the rest of y'all and he doesn't care at all?" She cried
"Could you imagine Artist doing me like that?" She continued.

"No not at all." I mumbled kissing her forehead.

"That shit eats me up David. I did things thinking they would make him proud and love me again and it never worked so then I started acting out so he would pay attention to how I was feeling but he just doesn't care about me and I don't know what I did." She shrugged hiccuping as she wiped her tears.

All of us knew her relationship with Don bothered her but I never knew it had been effecting her like this and for this long.

She kept crying so I led us over to my bed so we could lay down.

She climbed up with my help since she still had to be careful on her leg and laid down facing me.

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