Chapter 36

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I was in my locker room getting ready for my match while Jon watched Tyler. I really don't want to fight Nattie. I just hope this match doesn't affect our friendship on and off screen. I finished putting on my shoes and joined Jon and Tyler at the front of the locker room. I sat own on the couch and Tyler crawled in my lap. I smiled at him.

"Mommy??" Tyler asked me. "Yes baby?" He turned around and pointed at my title laying on the table. "Stay champ." "I'm gonna try Tyler." He nodded.

"Nicki and Natalya to the ramp. Nicki and Natalya to the ramp."

I sighed as my name was called. I got up handing Tyler over to Jon. "Good luck out there sweetheart," Jon said. I smiled at him. "Thanks baby." I gave him  and Tyler a quick kiss before grabbing my title and leaving the locker room.

"Hey Nattie," I said as I got to the ramp entrance. "Hey Nicki. Good luck tonight." "Thanks. You too." She smiled slightly. "Nicki, I really hope this match doesn't effect our friendship," she said. "Same here. Let's promise each other that whatever happens out there is for the best and no matter what, we will ALWAYS be best friends," I told her She nodded and we gave each other a hug. "I promise." I smiled and let go of the hug as her theme played. She walked down the ramp as the crowd cheered for her. Once she was in the ring, her theme was soon replaced by mine. The crowd screamed even louder as I made my way to the ring. I slid under the bottom rope and faced Nattie. My music stopped and I handed my title to the ref. He raised my title and after setting it down, he rang the bell and the match started.


I had control a good portion of the match. Nattie was on the mat as I was leaning against the turnbuckles. She started to get up and I bent down in the corner. She turned around and I went for the spear. She fell back on the mat and I went for the pin.


She kicked out. I stood up and grabbed her arm making her stand. I threw her towards the ropes and hit her with a clothesline. She got up and I hit her with another clothesline. She was down and I went for the pin.


She kicked out again. I stood up slowly grabbing the ropes to keep my balance. Nattie was crawling to the bottom rope, eventually standing up. I went after her and she elbowed me in the chest. I stumbled back a little and she elbowed me again. Before I could react, Nattie hit me with a drop kick. I fell on the mat and she went for the pin.


I kicked out. She got up and grabbed my legs putting me in the sharpshooter. I screamed out in pain as she had it locked in. I crawled to the ropes and reached out grabbing the bottom rope making her break the hold. The ref made her back up as I used the ropes to steady myself. Nattie came after me but I kicked her in the stomach. I hit her with dirty deeds and went for the pin.


"And here's your winner, and still divas champion, Nicki!!" The crowd screamed as I was handed my title. Before exited the ring, I looked over at Nattie. I stuck my hand out for her to take and helped her up. She gave me a friendly smile and I nodded. The both of us left the ring and headed up the ramp. Once we were at the top, we turned around and Nattie raised my arm. The crowd screamed louder than before as the two of us headed backstage.

Living The Dream~Sequel to The Boss's Daughter~FINISHEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora