Chapter 24

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Tonight is Raw and Jon and I were actually going to watch it. It's 8:00 and Raw just started. Sarah's theme played as she walked down the ramp. I noticed she still has the divas championship. I sighed making Jon wrap his arm around me.

"Baby, I know you miss your championship, but remember this, when we return, you can and will get your championship back," Jon said reassuringly. "Thanks Jon. I needed to hear that." I smiled and kissed his cheek. I turned back to the TV when Sarah started talking.

"Last week, Natalya became number one contender for my championship. Tonight, I will beat her and stay divas champion," she said. That's when Nattie's theme played. She walked down the ramp and entered the ring.

"Angel, everyone in this building and watching at home know I can beat you. Tonight, I will become the new divas champion and make Nicki proud," she said. The crowd screamed and started chanting my name. I smiled at that.


Sarah's POV

"Natalya and Angel to the ramp. Natalya and Angel to the ramp."

I sighed and grabbed my belt before leaving the locker room. I saw Nattie warming up at the ramp. She saw me and I gave her a small smile.

"Good luck tonight Sarah," she said. "Thanks. You too." She nodded and her theme played. She walked down the ramp and got in the ring. A few seconds later, my theme blared through the speakers. I took one more deep breath before going down the ramp and into the ring.


Normal POV

"And your winner, and new divas champion, Natalya!!!!!"

I jumped up and screamed when I saw the ref raise her arm. She was handed the championship and I could tell she was about to cry. She exited the ring and walked up the ramp heading backstage. I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and called Nattie.

Nattie: Hey Nicki!
Me: I saw your match. Congrats Nattie!!
Nattie: Thanks Nicki.
Me: I am so proud of you. You've worked so freaking hard to get to where you are now.
Nattie: Aww. Thanks.
Me: You are going to be a great divas champion. Just don't be better than me.
Nattie: Haha. I won't.
Me: Well, I should get going. I just called to say congrats.

Nattie: Alright. Bye Nicki.
Me: Bye.

I hung up and put my phone back on the coffee table. "Looks like someone's happy for their best friend," Jon said pulling me closer to him. "Of course I'm happy for Nattie. She deserves that championship." "That she does," he agreed.

Living The Dream~Sequel to The Boss's Daughter~FINISHEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora