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"What do you mean the prince is gone"?! Endeavor, the father of Todoroki, yelled at the knights that was lowering down their head in shame. "Sir, we believe that your son must have escaped during night, he doesn't know his way through the forest maybe we can still find him sir" Endeavor sighed and sat down at his dinning table, Todoroki siblings were peeking through the door hearing the conversation. Endeavor didn't care about his other kids, he usually doesn't even know they were their. He only focused on Todoroki because of what he was cable of, he spent most of his years training him and made him the man he is today and what did he get in return? Betrayal, Endeavor was filled with rage. He had already got tired of hearing complains about villages burning down by a unknown person, he already sent several knights on the journey to find that stupid troublemaker and none has came back to report about it and now he has his only useful son gone,  he'll have to send more people out of his kingdom to find another brat. Just thinking about how much he'll have to spend on the food and water source  was already enough. His kingdom was slowly falling apart and his son would have prevented form it doing so. "No, we can't afford anyone to search for him right now. What about the ignorant brat that destroys the small villages, do you have any report on that"? The Knight raised his head and nodded "yes, there's a suspect at the small village near a rumor place called Eraserhead where most guilds stay at after a long day sir"
"Well then, what are you waiting for hurry up and bring me that brat we have no time to waste"
"sir, if you don't mind me asking but what exactly are you going to do with the troublesome kid"
"If that brat can destroy a village then he can be of use"
"And if they don't cooperate with you then what"
"If they don't cooperate... " Endeavor smirked and looked at the Knight as he replied "then starve them, torture them to the point where they wish they were dead make them beg for mercy, after all it'll be a waste if they did die. And as for Todoroki don't worry he'll be back he always ends up coming back.  Know go on and bring that brat here"
The Knight nodded and excused himself of the room.


Todoroki finally was capable of getting to high ground, he was on a cliff and had a perfect view of 'Kingdom of Endeavor' he made a disgusted face and pet his horses "we'll never end up like him" he mumbled, he was about to turn around and continue his journey but he heard someone or something in the bushes behind him he glanced over and say a green haired boy come out and two followed,  they looked exhausted. "We should have just follow the road" a girl stated taking off the dirt she collected from the forest "yeah I'm sorry it was my idea" the green haired boy said. "This is why we should have obey the rules" a boy with glasses said doing some weird hand gestures. After they patted the dirt out of their clothes they made eye contact with Todoroki. Todoroki had a bad feeling, what if they were part of his father's kingdom? They would have to force him to get home, the girl looked like some type of mage the boy if the glasses looked like a Knight while the green head looked like your average citizen. The Green haired boy made a confused face telling Todoroki immediately that he didn't now who he was, they weren't part of his kingdom after all. He let out a low sigh of relief. "Wait a minute that clothin-" the boys eyes widened and went down on one knee and bowed his head down the boy with glasses did the same quickly while the girl looked at them confused "what's wrong Deku and Tenya" she asked "he's a Prince" the boy that looked like his name was Tenya replied "a prince? Why would a Prince be here" she said and looked at his clothing "his clothes tells that he's  Royal" she then realized that he was indeed a prince, she went down on all fours and apologized over and over.  Todoroki seen this several times before "that's unnecessary, you guys can stand" he said coldly looking at the three "u-um Prince we are sorry about are disrespect and bothering you we'll leave right away"
"it's fine I'm not a Prince at least not anymore" he got off his horse and guide it to the three of them "you can call me Todoroki "
"o-oh my name is-"
"Deku, if I heard correctly"
"a- actually it Izuku Midoriya but D-Deku is fine too, and the girl there is Ochako Uraraka and his name is Tenya Iida"
"nice to meet you three, if you don't mind me asking but what are you guys off to?" Uraraka smiled and replied to Todorokis question "we're off to Eraserhead Village, have you heard about it"?!
"Eraserhead village, yes I heard rumors that most guild members head down there. I assume that you guys are a part of a guild"
"yup! UA"! Uraraka said proudly. UA was a extremely famous guild they only hire the best of the best, Todoroki remembered how he was younger and wanted to join the guild but his father didn't let him, he said that guilds were only for low life's who didn't know there place.
"UA, impressive, you guys most be quite strong"
"yeah! We actually just recently finished a quest sooner then we thought so we decided to go to Eraserhead village and have a couple drinks and celebrate, but we kinda lost are map during the way so we got lost and here we are having this talk. Of course you don't happen to know the way do you"?
"Uraraka. I'm pretty sure he is quite busy"
"oh, I thought maybe that he'll go with us after all I did hear that being a Prince was hard work and now that he's free...we...can...celebrate.."? Todoroki was quite shock by the invitation but she was right being a Prince was hard and a few drinks didn't hurt anyone, a smirk spread across his face "I don't see why not, I'll help you get to Eraserhead" Izuku smiled and nodded "okay let's get going"!

(I suck at writing)
~1100 words~

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