3. Beast Girl

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Lexa's P.O.V
Brought to you by a trash panda

The guards shut the door behind the girl that they had pulled out, kicking and screaming. She was certainly something, a freak of nature. Up until this point I had dismissed the rumors of a witch in the Trikru territory as nothing more than a myth or an exaggeration. But now, seeing her and her powers for myself I no longer wondered why they called her Bisheda. When they brought her in I expected to see a girl that was hardly human, a girl who had been consumed by the wild after her years of solitude. But instead they brought in a girl who looked just as human as I was, if not more so, a girl who defied all expectations. I even dared to mentaly admit that she was almost...beautiful, but I quickly dismissed the thought. I reminded myself that she was no more than a future asset for war and that feelings were a weakness that I could not afford. Her power was awe-instilling and yet she had not used that power to her advantage, she hadn't commanded the legions of the forest to do whatever she pleased. All she had done was unintentionally instill false fear in those who heard of her. She posessed an inhuman quality what was truly more a curse than a gift if one were to think about it. But I needed to stop thinking about her as a human, she was a weapon or she would be if my plans for her came true, and yet I could not stop thinking about her no matter how hard I tried. I sighed, dismissing Indra and the others so I could go contemplate my thoughts alone in the privacy of my quarters and retire for the night. I had much to think about.


The next morning went by quickly and before I knew it I was once again dwelling on the thought of the beast girl. "What is the status on the girl brought in yesterday, the one who can speak to animals?" I asked Indra, one of my most trusted guards, though she was more like my second in command or something similar. "She is the same as she was yesterday Heda, she is still locked in her cell. Though I've received word that her horse has been cleared and is in the stables." I did not have much to do at the moment and her abilities made me think that there may be something special about her animal. "Good, did you hear anything else about her animal?" "No Heda, I have told you all I know." I nodded, "Come, I'm going to have a look at her horse, perhaps there is something that makes it different." Indra nodded, "I'll send word." and followed me out of the room. Rumors had spread that the one called Bisheda was in Polis and some of my people had begun to worry. Mothers ushered their children indoors, warning them of the monstrosity that awaited them outside. As we walked out the tower I could not help but overhear some of the rumors, "I heard that she has yellow eyes and fangs as long as my little finger." A man held his fingers to his lips and hissed, receiving laughs and gasps from those around him. I scoffed, these people were strange. None of them had met or even seen her and yet they feared and made fun of her. "Heda," Indra's voice pulled me from my thoughts "Are they ready?" "Yes." She nodded, "Excellent," We walked in and my jaw almost dropped open when I saw the horse a stable boy brought out. It had some of the most beautiful and unique markings I had ever seen, "This is the girl's horse?" The boy nodded, "Yes Heda, she was brought in yesterday." I whispered under my breath as I walked around the horse, stroking it's colorful hair. "Wow," Her horse was an almost blue color with large splotches of white on it. It was as if someone had randomly dumped white paint all over it. I retained my slipping composure "Keep it here until further notice, alright?" The boy nodded, "Yes Heda," and led the horse away. I returned to the tower, deciding that I should pay a visit to my new prisoner.

Arlin's P.O.V
Brought to you by a talking horse

Though the bed was very comfortable, I bearly got any sleep on it. Being in Polis had hightened my senses, making me paranoid and frightened in the unfamiliar environment. I stayed up most of the night, drawing in the dust on the floor while singing to myself quietly and watching the light peak in from the small windows out of my reach. After that I listened as the people of Polis began to stir and get ready for the day, but that had been hours ago and now I didn't know how long I had been staring at the ceiling in boredom. I could not live like this, I needed life around me. I needed to be sorounded by the forest with all it's plants and animals, the river with the water swirling around my waist and the fish nibbling at my toes. Anything would be better than this as long as it was outside and away from humans, they may have been my kind but I was nothing like them. They hated and feared me for something I could not control, something that I would not wish upon anyone. If you did not have my ability, it may have seemed cool, but no one but me had any idea what it felt like to be cursed with some may have considered a gift. And it was because of my 'gift' that I was here, in Polis, imprisoned by the Commander. If there had been a balcony in this room like the others, I would definitely have jumped off of it by now.

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