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                 It was all very silent for few minutes there was only music, as we made our way to the destination. We reached there earlier than I thought it would take.

I guess music really takes me in.

"Wait there." Alex demanded. I looked at him in confusion.

"What do you-" the car door shut in response. I watched his body make it's way to my side of the car. He pulled the car door open and stood there waiting for me to climb out.

"I'm opening the door for you," he said, almost like a child hoping to please his mother. He had that vulnerability in his eyes, almost hoping I was happy. Almost as if he hoped I was proud of him. I looked back and the valet standing behind was staring at both of us, in confusion. Alex must've noticed that because his ears had  tinted pink and he scratched his back of head giving a crooked smile.

"I see.. but you don't need to." I laughed as I climbed out. I linked my arms with his. "Thank you." I kissed his cheek as a friendly gesture. He became more scarlet.

"It's my pleasure." He replied back with a big smile and passed the keys to the valet. 

I hadn't been to parties like these before because.. I don't like it. Simple. So I have nothing to compare it to, but what I'm seeing infront of me was honestly breathtaking. My eyes swept across the room, pausing to admire the beautiful chandelier at the centre that was complimenting perfectly to the dim lights. The place was decorated in dark colours, golden and black. There was probably enough food to feed an army or two. The people in the front and centre were slowly dancing to the smooth silky beats from the live band. So basically, the party was in full swing. 

Oldie and a lady in his arms approached us as soon as we made our way inside. 

"Finally Maya! So what do you think?" Came oldie's voice beside me. He slipped a flute having dark red liquid in my hand. 

"What do I think?" I echoed a little faintly. "It is wonderfully extravagant but it is for a good cause and I couldn't be happier. You really outdid yourself, sir."

"Thank you Maya and thank you for coming this time. It's good to see you, finally outside the work. Did I forgot to tell you, you look totally gorgeous tonight. And please enjoy the party." He returned easily with a sly smile and went away to greet more incoming guests. 

Alex manoeuvered to our seats. "By the way, hate to break this to you, but I have to leave you for a few minutes. Will you be alright on your own for a while?"

"Of course. I'll just wander. I'll keep myself entertained. Don't you worry." I lied without missing a beat. 

"Okay Tyler and Hayley will arrive soon. So loosen up a little maybe." I noded and he stood up. "Save a dance for me later on", he called over his shoulder, before turning away. 

I watched as Alex headed over to a group where several men in black suits were conversing. I was bored quickly, watching them. 

Where are my stupid friends.

I quickly messaged both of them. Their reply was instant and same - on the way. 

All of a sudden I got goosebumps. I felt like someone was watching me intensely. I turned quickly to my right and froze. A beautiful young couple standing there. The woman looked like descendents of Aphrodite. Her long silver shimmering and strapless fitted dress was hugging her body perfectly. She was gorgeous as her long vibrant red curls bounced over her broad modelsque shoulders. Her blue eyes were beautiful against the smokey makeup, and they were grazing adoringly at the man locking his arms with hers.

            The man was none other than Tyler. He was wearing a sleek black tuxedo and a look of calm profesnalism shined on his face. He looked particularly heartbreaker tonight, with his hair deliberately styled in a way that make several locks fall over his forehead,  making all the ladies irrespective of their age swoon over him. And I found that I have to catch my breath with his intense gaze on my every look.  

It's going to be long night.

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