The Mirror

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Okay at this time Damian's fourteen, since he was older then Tim Drake from the comics. It was harder to figure out his age with the timeline. We find out from Dick that Damian was ten in Batman vs. Robin but Son of Batman didn't com out until 2014. Batman vs Robin 2015, Batman Bad Blood 2016, Justice League vs Teen Titans 2016, Teen Titans: The Judas Contract 2017. With this Damian had to be at least ten in the time when he met his Father, and it didn't even become a year until the anniversary for Terra, being a member of the Titans. So Damian had to be at least after everything that happened. In Justice League vs Teen Titans Damian was sent to the Teen Titans.

Teen Titans Tower

January 5th 5:20 a.m.

Damian's Pov:

Raven and I have been up since 5, watched the sunrise. We spared in the training room for a while before heading to the common room. Sitting on the couch and Raven's head rested on my shoulder. 'Beloved, do you wish every day could be like this.' 'I wish it was always like this, Damian.'

Raven's Pov:

It felt relaxing being near Damian, in the morning when we had the Tower for ourselves before any of the other teammates woke up, it rare to ever see Damian smile, even for a little while. Looking down at the small heart-shape locket that Damian, gave me for our anniversary last year. The bond between us has grown so strong over time, Damian could depict when something was wrong, just by my body language. I know being in a relationship with another teammate, makes well everything complicated with working with a team, but we know how to deal with it.


Downtown Jump City- Dick and Kori's Apartment

9:21 a.m.

Kori/Starfire's Pov:
The buzzing of Dick's cellphone, caught me off while drinking my third cup of coffee. Heading back into the bedroom, he was still asleep, "Dick, Dick, wake up!" 'Why do men always have to be so aggravating?' Lightly slapping him on the face, "Dick, wake up!"

Dick's Pov:
"Uh, what Babe?" "Dick, cellphone, Bruce." "Shit." Ran out of the bedroom and grabbed the phone off the counter.

"Bruce. Sorr-"
"I don't want any excuses Dick, Damian at the Batcave in 30 minutes."
"Alright, Bruce. Damian will be there."

Kori/Starfire's Pov:
"So Dick what was that all about?" Placing the cup in the sink.

Dick's Pov:
"Sorry, babe Damian needs to be Gotham, now. It's serious, Bruce's orders, I'll be back later, promise." Kissing her on the cheek before heading out the apartment and hopped onto motorcycle. It took less than a five minute drive to the tower and pressed the elevator button. Jaime and Garfield were playing a video game and Raven was reading a book on the couch. "Raven, do you know-" She looked up from the book, "He's in the training room."

Damian's Pov:

Slicing through the last of the ninja holograms until I heard the machine being shut off. "Grayson, what do you want?" "Your dad, wants you in Gotham, now." "Sounds serious, what did Father, mention?" "I don't know, but his tone it was, well serious." Someone's shadow caught my eyes as I were about to leave. Stopped and put the helmet down, "Raven?" "Damian, is everything alright?" "It's fine Raven, family matter to take care of." Raven headed out as I placed my helmet and raced off.

Teen Titans Damian Wayne/ A'l Ghul X Raven Rachel RothWhere stories live. Discover now