Don kissed her lips over and over. "Damn fucking lies."

"When Don was here for his parent's wedding about a month ago we met up." Peggy said. "He told me to come for him and to let Mann take Meryl so we could be together. That's why I was in Connecticut."

Don couldn't take it. "You lying fucking whore! I never did that!"

"Mr. Gummer." Judge Stewart smacked the gavel. "Order. I have warned you..."

Meryl pulled Don down. "Baby, don't be thrown in jail...PLEASE!"

"How do you know, Don?" Peggy glared at Meryl and Don. "I thought you had amnesia."

Judge Stewart shook his head. "Mrs. Gummer, I WILL throw you in contempt of court."

"Then maybe Donny and I can finally be together." Peggy swooned.

Judge Stewart looked at Thatcher. "Do you have any substantiated questions or evidence?"

"I am trying to prove that Mrs. Gummer is the victim in all this." Thatcher said.

Judge Stewart watched as Don held Meryl close, kissing her over and over. "Do you have any facts or evidence?"

"No, your honor." Thatcher sighed. "Your witness, DA Brown."

Don wrapped his arm around Meryl as he held her hand with his free one. "Ms. Gummer, you said that when Donald Gummer was here about a month ago that you two met up. When and where was that?"

"It was the Saturday afternoon he was here; the second Saturday in October." Peggy said. "At Patachou downtown."

Mike nodded. "That's funny because Mr. Gummer was at his parent's wedding that I was at; in fact this whole side of the courtroom can corroborate that he wasn't with you."

"Oh, I mean evening." Peggy said.

Mike nodded. "He was also at his parents until he took his wife back to the hotel with their babies; and according to what their daughter-in-law told me, he spent the whole night with his wife and children."

"Well, it happened." Peggy cried. "He wanted Kevin Mann to take her away."

Mike shook his head. "It is hard for me to believe that a man who spoke with such love and commitment earlier today about his wife and children; would want his wife's rapist ANYWHERE near her."

"He was supposed to be mine." Peggy broke down. "I made a mistake by letting him go in the first place. I want him to look at me the way he looks at her. He never did. I wanted to have his babies; not James'. I'm supposed to be his wife, NOT her. If I can't have him then she can't; and he might as well be dead and she might as well be raped!"

Don pulled Meryl even closer to her as she cried into his chest. "It's almost over, baby, it's almost over."

"No more questions your honor." Mike said. "This won't get us anywhere and it is just hurting the TRUE victims here."

The judge nodded. "In that case I am ready for closing arguments and am prepared to render a verdict?"

"Really?" Don looked at Larry. "Today?"

Larry nodded. "It's in the bag."

"I'm ready for this to be over, Don." Meryl choked. "I need to know she won't hurt you ever again."

"Or you." Don whispered with a kiss to her lips. "Stay strong, baby; it's almost over and then we are going to celebrate."

Mike looked at Don and Meryl. "All day we have seen the love and devotion between Donald and Meryl Gummer despite the hell that Peggy Gummer has put them through. She just admitted to trying to get to Don. To leading Meryl's rapist back to her. She's guilty. She has perjured herself on the stand. In order for this family to EVER be safe again then she needs to be in jail. The Gummers had guards placed on their youngest children because she tried to take them away. No man, no husband, no wife, no mother, should fear for their family's life like Peggy Gummer has made Don and Meryl Gummer fear for those. I urge the court to render a guilty verdict."

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