Persassy Has A Date Night.. So Does Nico

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White roses, Annabeth's favorite. Which was weird, because she's allergic to them.Annabeth was laughing with Piper, Hermione, Hazel and Leo.

Hold up, Leo?

"Hey, Wise Girl!" I shouted over to them,

"Yeah Seaweed Brain?" Annabeth shouted back,

"Meet me at the Astro-something Tower at 7." I smiled widely, I had a cliche movie date planned.

"Why should I?" Annabeth asked me,

Usually, to get one of Athena's kids to go on a date with you, you had to have some valid points and all that crazy stuff. Honestly, I never did that stuff, just let her know I love her.

"'Cause I love you." I had my usual goofy smile on. I knew it made Annabeth melt. "And I have these."

"See you then." Annabeth said, looking at the flowers.

Her face when she looks at books, or blueprints was happening right now. It was the most adorable thing ever, her nose began to scrunch up, her eyes would light up, and a ginormous smile would unfold.

"And, Hermione, I need a little help." I said, motioning for her to come over to me.

"Yeah, Percy?" Hermione asked,

"I don't know how to get food." I said cluelessly,

Dates usually have food, and you need food for it to be a real date. Right? Right? Someone answer me!

"I don't reccomend this often, but there is a picture with fruit painted on it. Tickle the pear, and the kitchen will be revealed, ask the house elves for anything, and they'll bring it to you." Hermione said,

"Thanks Hermione," I said, sprinting to the castle.

I ran into Nico,"Hey Perce, do you know how to keep plants from dying around me? I wanna give Ginny flowers."

"Ask Nev and Hermione, then ask Ron her favorite flowers." I said, it was sort of obvious.

"You are a lifesaver." Nico fist bumped me,

"It's what I do." I chuckled, and went to find that painting.

Once I finally found the painting, it was almost 4:00, I tickled the pear, and the painting opened like a door.

"Hey, can I get spaghetti, and some tacos, and some pita bread an' hummus?" I asked,

"Where to Master Percy?" A house-elf asked,

"Please don't call me Master, just Percy." I said, blushing a dark shade of red,

"Yessir, Just Percy, does Just Percy want drinks?" The house-elf asked,

"Can I have some Strawberry Lemonade? OH, and can you make everything blue?" I asked, adding in my last proposal.

"Yes, Just Percy. Where to, Just Percy?"

"The Astronomhalie Tower."

"You mean the Astronomy Tower Just Percy?" The house-elf began to cringe,

I gently grabbed the house-elf's hand,"What's your name?"

"Dobby sir." The house-elf said,

"Don't be scared, I'm a friend." I said, holding out an open palm for a high five.

"You're not going to hit me, sir?" Dobby asked me,

"No it's a um, high five, you hit your hand on mine." I Dobby hit his palm onto mine,"Like that."

"We will bring the food at 6:45, Just Percy." Dobby said, running off to the back of the kitchen.

"Thanks Dobby," I called out to him, and went back to the Gryffindor Common Room.

I pulled on a pair of clean jeans, and looked for a stainless shirt.

Bingo! The shirt Mom made me wear when we were going to Christmas Mass with Paul.

I honestly don't get it, I'm not trying to cramp anyone's style, but I'm a demigod. So do I have to like go to masses and stuff? I still like Christmas, because it's one of the only times my dad, Poeseidon, Iris Messages me.

It was a dark blue button up, with a white tie. Unfortunately, the tie wasn't a clip on.

"NICOOOOO! I NEED HELP!" I shouted down the stairs,

Nico trudged up the stairs, and gave me a quizzical look,"What now?"

"Can you help me tie this death trap?" I asked,

"You couldn't have asked Piper?"

"No Death Breath, I didn't know if the stairs would work with her."

"Guys aren't allowed in the Girls' Dorms, but they're allowed in ours." Nico explained, tying my tie a little too tight.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked,

"Payback." Nico smirked,

"I love you too, dear cousin." I said, dousing him with water from the lake.

"I hate you." Nico mock glared at me, went downstairs.

It was 6:30, so to get there by 6:45, I'd have to leave for the Astronomigaly Tower now.

Once I got there, I saw, a table set up, with a picnic-y thingy covering it. Steaming spaghetti, with a crazy amount of meatballs, fresh baked pita bread and Tupperware container with hummus in it; they have Tupperware in the magical world, thank Poeseidon, beef, chicken, and pulled pork tacos were set up like a buffet. There was a couple of pitchers of strawberry lemonade, and a grinning house-elf.

Wait, why is there a happy house-elf on my date?

"Just Percy, here is everything. Dobby had his friend Winky help him do this."

"Thanks Dobby," I thanked Dobby, and he gave me a high-five.

"You see the girl coming? That's her." I sighed,

"She is very pretty Just Percy. Can Dobby have her?"

"Sorry Dobby, but she's mine."

I turned to look at Annabeth for half a second, and Dobby was gone when I turned back to him.

"You, pretty, dress." I said, well at least tried to.

"Candlelight dinner? You've outdone yourself Seaweed Brain." Annabeth chuckled,

She had a gray, strapless dress on, with ruffles towards the bottom. I saw a little bit of makeup on her, but I preffered it when Annabeth wore no makeup. It made her seem more like herself, without make up.

"Let's eat." I said, pulling her chair for her.

"Of course that's what you'd say."

"I love you Wise Girl." I blurted out,

Annabeth became a little speechless, what if she doesn't say it back. What if she doesn't love me back," I love you too Seaweed Brain."

After we ate, we started to slow dance under the stars. It was like at Westover, except, now I'm taller than her, and I wasn't stepping on her feet.

"You can dance now." Annabeth marvelled, a smile playing on her lips.

I crashed my lips onto hers, and held her close to me. We melted perfectly together, and it was almost as great as our underwater kiss.

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