"What are you doing Cole" I say in strong voice causing Carter to turn towards me

"N-Nothing" Cole says letting go of her

"What are y'all doing" I say getting closer to them.

"We were just talking,   Guess what Cole and I are gonna be new school buddies" She says

"What..No" I  say

"Jackson your not the boss it's my life" She says In a stern voice

"Fine Fine" I  say putting up my hands in defense

"You know what Carter maybe we shouldn't..I already have have someone I study with" Cole says

Carter turns towards him

"What? Who?"

"I usually study with Alex and sometimes Jackson...usually we can't really study around Jackson because all he talks about is you" Cole says backing up

"Oh ok than" She walks back inside.

"What the hell Cole" I say

"Dude I'm sorry" he says

"Sorry for touching her...I told you she's off limits."

"I know I'm sorry..it's just" He says but I cut him off

"It's nothing..you know I like her dude..I told you specifically not to mess with her" I say and sigh

"I know Im sorry" he says

"It's ok just please don't do it again"

"Ok" then he walks back in

I hope Carter doesn't know that Cole likes her. The first day he told me he liked her I was furious. That day we were all sitting at lunch I saw Carter walk passed our lunch table and sit at her own with Caden and Aria. That's when he told me

"Dude that girl right there I've liked her since 10th grade" he says pointing to Carter


"Yeah..I mean she doesn't know who I am and I'll never have to guts to ask her out or anything but dang she is so beautiful." He says looking at her.


"Yes Carter even her name is beautiful" he says

"Ohhh Cole has a crush" Alex's says making kissy faces

"Hey maybe it's time I told Aria what you think about her" Cole says

"You like her friend" I ask Alex

"Yes Dude Shes hot" Alex say looking at Carters table

"Wow" I say in shock

"Why, you like someone Jack" Cole says while eating his food

"Yeah I do...Carter" I say

"You like her to" he says putting his fork down

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