50: Without You

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He carried her into the coffin " you had a happy and satisfied life. What about me? You gave me all this happiness... and then left me. Now I'm just alone. How could you bear to do that to me? Make me taste this loneliness after letting me taste happiness."

niashi: papa...

kakashi: hm?

niashi: it's time.

kakashi: um. Let's burn her.

niashi: burn?

kakashi: um. It's her wish.

He took up the cover and closed the coffin.


She's gone.

I've to sleep to a bed that feels too big for me . I have to sleep next to ... what I can only imagine you're still there. A space only for you.

I walk in the streets... wandering around... Go home... There's no one waiting for me at home. This feeling... it was as if everything returned to the start point, before I met you. I used to go out on missions without needing to return home. Because there was no one there waiting for me.

konohamaru: kakashi-san.

kakashi: konohamaru. Yo.

konohamaru: how's it?

kakashi: honestly... lonely. Without nina... there's  no one waiting at home. Nothing to return to. Really... kind of bitter. Ha ha...

konohamaru: kakashi-san...

kakashi: what?

konohamaru: no... it's just... you really love nina-san. Makes me wonder if I ever could be that good to nanashi.

kakashi: well... try your best.

konohamaru: hai.

kakashi: after all... you two are different from us.

konohamaru: what do you mean?

kakashi: both of you have family members. Had people to return to as you grew up. Me and nina... we were orphans. We had no one to return to. We only had each other to return to.

konohamaru: kakashi-san...

kakashi: gomen. Made you listen to an old man ramble about stuff.

konohamaru: no... it's fine...

" I shouldn't disturb you then." kakashi left on his own.

A/N : Hope you guys liked it. Story End desu. Really happy it ended on a 50.

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