6: Talks of After Death

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" ahhh!!!! "

Hiruzen enters the medical room " what going on?"

" San daime. She... She was dead. But she suddenly came alive. " The medical ninja replied.

Hiruzen: alright. You can leave us.

" But... "

Hiruzen: she's fine now right?

" Yes.... " The medical ninja leaves.

Hiruzen: Nina. What's going on?

Nina: San daime. I... Was studying the shiki fujin.

His eyes widens " don't tell me you tried to use the jutsu!!"

Nina: I would be dead by now if I did. But I did kind of use it .

Hiruzen: what are you talking about? Explain yourself!!

Nina: .... I used the seals to summon the shinigami. But instead of giving my life, I sacrificed another's.

Hiruzen: you...

Nina: I didn't kill anyone. It was just a cat.

Hiruzen: .... And ?

Nina: I don't really understand the jutsu. So I thought of asking the shinigami himself. This is my seventh try. This is the first time... I almost died.

Hiruzen: I see... Nina. I want you to stop your experiments.

Nina: why?

Hiruzen: you might really die.

Nina: and then?

Hiruzen: NINA.

Nina: I might die anyway. In a mission maybe. Or of old age. Why not to study a seal? Its not like my life had any special meaning... I'm just a special asset.

Hiruzen: Nina. Don't be ridiculous and stupid!!

Nina: why? Cos it seems like I'm wasting my life? Don't you want to know about the shiki fujin? San daime. Maybe my death isn't that worthless.

Hiruzen: you won't listen. Will you ?

Kakashi: Nina!

She turns around " kakashi. Would you mind not calling my name out loud in public? I might have an anbu mask. But I still don't want people to know about me."

Kakashi: gomen.

Nina: what is it?

Kakashi: have you eaten?

She shakes her head " I'm going home to eat. You can come."

Kakashi: thanks.
She made udon.

Kakashi: oh. It looks nice .

Nina: you want to say something?

Kakashi: Nina. Are you still planning to study the shiki fujin?

Nina: you think it's a waste of life.

Kakashi: no. Do you think you can come out alive from that study? I prefer that.

Nina: ... I... I don't know. Everytime I talk to the shinigami... He tells me a lot of things. Whispers by my ears . But I can't remember everything he says. So that's why there's so many tries. But I feel like... I'm sinking in. But then again... I'm not struggling.

Kakashi: you thought of dying? For the study.

Nina: maybe. Yes . It's not really that scary. Not even painful. I don't even feel like my breath has been taken away from me. It's... The coming back. A grasp of fresh air. Feels like struggling.

Kakashi: I see.

Nina: if I die... Will you come visit me like how you visit minato-san and kushina-san?

Kakashi: you noticed.

Nina: I always come after you do.

Kakashi: I see.

Nina: will you?

Kakashi: you don't look forward to gai's ?

Nina: if I request gai, he will definitely do it. So? Will you?

Kakashi: I would. But I would prefer you not to die in the study. You know... Win the shinigami.

She laughed " that sounds impossible."

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