This was his first time in Spain. The light was absolutely beautiful. He had snapped a couple of pictures of the city as they drove pass the streets. Th people dressed well and were well put together. 

He entered the tall building and introduced himself to the receptionist, “Hello, I am Mr. Styles. Mr. Malik had called me in” he said to the overly manicured receptionist. 

“Mr. Malik is waiting for you at level 18” she replied and handed him a guest card. 

“Thank you.”

Harry walked nervously to the elevator. He stood out like a thumb among the suit clad working people around him. He can’t believe all this was Niall’s. The thought of that silly leprechaun is head of this multibillion dollar company made hi chuckle.

He reached level 18 and met by a beautiful interior with Horan & Co logo proudly gleaming on the wall in front of him. 

“I’m here for Mr. Malik” he said to the receptionist. 

The lady ushered him to wait on the sofa in front of them. In a couple of moments Zayn came out from the glass door looking as dapper as usual. 

“Harry!” he greeted pulling the taller lad into a tight hug. 

Harry returned the hug, he hadn’t seen Zayn since the break up. Zayn looked skinnier than he remembered and he had dark circles under his eyes. 

“How are you man?” asked Zayn. 

“I’m good. Everyone is good back home. You look a little bit under the weather. Are you alright there?” he asked. 

Zayn stayed silent and looked at the floor. “Come to my office, we have lots to talk about.” 

Harry followed the raven haired guy through the glass doors and entered a massive office. The area kept as simple as possible but what was striking was the art that hung on the walls. Zayn was a huge art collector and has a spot for graffiti and comic book art. 

“Well, as you can see mate I am not feeling so well. I’ve been sick these past few days” explained Zayn. 

“Niall has been a massive arse since we came here and he has been working non stop. This means, I have to work non-stop” he trailed. 

Harry starred at the man in front of him, “I’m sorry I don’t understand what is going on here.” 

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