The schedule lady looks more than annoyed when you burst into her office when classes start in 3 minutes and she still has to be there. You blurt out your name quickly and grab your schedule, sprinting towards first hour. But wait, you should probably look at your schedule first, silly! Sometimes your prankster side pranks yourself. It reads:

Pre Calculus

English III

AP Biology


Culinary Arts V

History III

You text a picture of your schedule while sprinting towards your first hour class. You have Pre Calc with Roxy, and PE III with Roxy and Dirk! This is great! You get to see two of your best friends at two different times of the day! You can't wait to sit next to Roxy and talk with her when the teacher isn't looking their way during a lesson.

You aren't watching where you're going and run right into someone. Your glasses fall off. You fumble around for them, all while apologizing countless times. You finally find them and slip them on your face to see which poor soul you ran into. You look up and almost die of embarrassment.

Be Jake English==>

You are just minding your own business, looking for your Algebra II class, when out of nowhere, a person runs into you.

"Sorry about that! So sorry!!" You hear a timid voice say. You look down at the person now searching for their glasses on the floor. She looks up, and suddenly you see a familiar face.

"Jane! How coincidental to run into you here!" You smile at her. She's turning red. As in tomato red. She turns away.

"Ack! Sorry Jake, my bad. I should have been looking where I was going!" She turns back towards you and smiles back. "I was trying to send a picture of my schedule to our group chat on pesterchum, but I wasn't looking where I was going... Sorry about that!"

"At least you ran into someone you knew and not some absolute stranger!" You say, trying to cheer her up a bit. "And here, this is my schedule! We can see if we have any classes!" You hand her your own schedule.

Algebra II

AP Archeology

Hand to Hand Combat V


English III

History III

Jane's face lights up and she looks back up at you.

"Perfect! We have PE and History together!! This year is going to be great!" She says, still beaming brightly. You smile back, then check your watch. There is less than 1 minute before you have to be in Algebra, and it's still in another building!

"Sorry Jane, hate to cut this short, but can we talk at lunch? We have less than a minute to get to class!" She nods.

"Of course! Sorry for taking up your time! I'll see you later Jake!" She runs the other way, waving goodbye to you at the same time. Speaking of running, you should really start doing that if you want to get to Algebra on time.

You sprint all the way to the other building and make it inside of your classroom just as your teacher calls out your name.

"Jake English?"

"Here!" You gasp, sinking into your chair. Even though it's the first day of school, Algebra II is still a bore. You hope it ends soon, so that you can send a picture of your schedule to everyone! Hopefully you have some classes with Dirk and Roxy as well.

Be Dirk Strider==>

Calculus is boring without your friends there to entertain you from the other side of the room. Then again, you've never had the same math class with them, so how would you know? Either way, you miss them. Especially him. You want to run to him, throw your arms around his waist, and never let go.

These thoughts especially make math class go by much slower than normal. After Calculus, you have to go to History. You're good at History, but it isn't your first choice as a class. But, right after History, you get to see him. So basically, History is standing between you and your true love. How wonderful.

The bell rings, and everyone begins to file out of the room. Some give you strange looks, as if to ask "Why are you wearing sunglasses indoors? And on a rainy day, nonetheless?" You ignore their weird looks. As long as he doesn't look at you like that, no one else matters.

History is all the way on the other side of school. Even though you know it won't happen, you hope that some of your friends will be in that class. Your phone dings. It's a message from Jake. You instantly open it, to be greeted with his schedule beaming right back at you. He has PE and English with you! Oh, how you're going to tease him about English as soon as it starts.

You feel happier now, knowing that you have classes with all of your friends at least once. And all four of you have PE together! How convenient!

You walk into your history classroom and take a seat, but your mind is still focused on everyone's schedules. A little while later, you look up and find that it's already been 30 minutes! At this rate, History will fly by and you'll finally be able to see him.

You have almost completely zoned out by the time the teacher asks you to share something about yourself, as a small icebreaker. You don't really want to, but you seem to have no choice, as everyone is staring at you. Fuck. Well, guess you have no choice.

"Hello, my name is Dirk Strider, and I like robots and mechanical programming. My favorite color is orange and... Uh..." Your mind quickly gets clouded with thoughts of him, and you blank out. Shit. This is what you didn't want to happen. "I'm also gay." You sit down immediately. Why did you say that?? You sink low into your seat and stay that way until the end of the hour, when you sprint out of the classroom before anyone can stop you. You check your phone, where Jake, Jane, and Roxy have already started coordinating where to meet.

GT: Where shall we meet today during our break?

TG: idk what about the library? its quiet so we can talk about summer and stuff

GG: Sounds like a plan! The library ok with everyone?

GT: As long as its not a dusty old library, its ok with me!

Looks like the others will be meeting in the library today. Hopefully you'll be able to find him before meeting up with them. You look up from your phone and try to remember which way the library is. You glance in both directions of the hallway, when suddenly you see a familiar face.

It's him. Jake English looks up from his phone to see you, and smiles.

[End of Chapter 1]

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