The office

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Following a principle down the hall is not how you want to be seen. In streaks of walking slow motion down the hall with your friends you're actually walking down the hall slower than slow motion with everyone's gaze at you. The state hits the back of your head and it crawls through your skin until u need it to stop. The walk for us was about the same. The principal ahead, Cole next to me, and the hundreds or kids staring at us. They all had the same thought. What the hell did they do. Honestly I couldn't blame them. If it were 2 other best friends I would've done the same. But now that I'm doing it I may be more courteous next time.
I look down at my feet watching them go back and fourth until the nervous feeling inside me fills to the top. Shaking, quirky walking, gazing everywhere, fidgeting, everything. Cole grabs my hand and locks his fingers into mine. His hands were warm while mine were cold to the touch. I squeezed his hand as I calmed myself down. I felt everything drain out of me. We had arrived. Cole let go and was the first inside. They had separated us as if we had made some trouble. I looked over at him and I think he knew what I was thinking. He shrugged and I knew he had no idea why we were in here. Maybe it was because I was in the boys bathroom. Maybe they thought we were doing something in there. Maybe they thought we caused the fight. All thee sudden an officer enters the office. He goes up to the main desk with 2 other cops behind him. They all go into the principals room and we wait patiently. The nerves came back. My legs shook and my thumbs were fidgeting with each other, one circling the other. My glance turned to look up at Cole just as I heard the door nob turn. Vice principal Jones walked out and tapped his shoulder. Standing up Cole nodded reassuring me he was going to be just fine. The door was shut.
5 minutes went by. Then 10. Yelling had started at 13 minutes. By 14 the door swung open. The 2 cops came out with Cole in their hands. Him trying to come to me they pulled him back. My hands were over my face in shock as I looked at him get dragged through the office. "It's gunna be ok. I promise it's gunna b ok. You'll b fine. I promise." He was trying to get to me while being pushed away. The cops won. I stayed standing there for a minute. My hands didn't come off my face. My eyes filled with tears. No, I'm not going to cry. You're not going to cry. I was mad and upset. I had told myself a thousand times I wasn't going to cry. This time was the first time it actually listened. The tears were gone and I walked right on into the principals office. Surprisingly there was another cop.
"We were not ready for you yet." Principal Meyers had said.
"What happened to Cole? Why was he taken?"
"Young lady," the cop stood up. On his badge it said, Sheriff Cash. "Principal Meyers told you we were not ready. It was very disrespectful to just waltz in here. Now will you give us a moment?" Intimidated I stepped back and nodded. I left the room and sat where I had before. I was waiting for another 15 more minuets. I was left thinking about Cole and what had just happened. I was overwhelmed.
Back to the real world, I sat anxiously. I had waited for almost 20 minuets. They couldn't take any longer to talk. I was wrong. Minutes felt like hours. I wait 3 more minuets meaning 3 more hours. I moved more chairs to move closer to the door.
"I don't see why you have to take her as well. The boy I understand but the girl too? Don't you think that you could just let her off the hook. It's not like she was with him when he did what he did."
I stopped breathing. They were going to take me. But where? And why? And what did Cole do? I had so many questions filling through my brain I didn't hear the door open. I turned to listen in again and I was starring right into the police officers crotch. Petrified I jumped out of my seat and moved backwards.
"I'm going to need you to come with me." He grabbed my arm tight around my elbow and pushed me forward but not pushing my elbow in front of my body. I turned back to see Principal Meyers hand over his face.
When I had said being stared at when the principal was bringing you to the office was bad, being brought to the police station by a cop in the middle of passing time is worse. I wondered what had happened to Cole when he was being brought over. People stared. People whispered. People took photos. People laughed. I just walked staring down at sheriff Cash's shoes and followed him. We made it through the deadly halls without any physical pain. But the emotional pain was there. I had just got crushed by a falling wall. And the wall got even heavier when I was pushed into the cop car.

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