"Uh huh, well training helps, of course I don't spend all day training and obsessing over it, I also do other stuff, that I won't reveal." I say to him and I swing myself up onto the branch above me. I climb to the top of the tree and I look down on the training ground, observing it.

I see Sasuke is watching, Sakura's knocked out cold and Naruto is trying to get himself out of a trap. They are such idiots.

I pull out a kunai and I throw it at Naruto rope and it cuts him down. I see Sakura knocked out and I jump down to her.

"I don't like you what so ever, but I already know the point if this test." I mutter and I do the release sign. "Release."

Sakura gasps and sits up then runs off.

"Why do I even bother?" I ask.

I hear a scream and I face palm and run to where I heard it and I see Sasuke's head and a knocked out Sakura.

I start laughing at this and I sit next to Sasuke. "Need help?" I ask.

"Just get me out if here." Sasuke mutters.

I shrug. "Fine." I pull him out and I wake Sakura up. "You two are such pains in the ass." I say to them and the bell goes off.

I walk to the stumps and I sit down. I look at Naruto. "What are you tied up for?"

"I tried eating the lunches." Naruto mutters.

I look at Kakashi.

"Everyone but Storm fails." Kakashi says to us.

"Nani? Why didn't I fail?" I ask him already knowing the answer, I just want to rub it in to the pink haired banshee and the duckass Uchiha.

"You helped your teammates out. What's that called?" Kakashi asks me.

"One sided teamwork?" I ask him.

"Yes." Kakashi says to me. "Sakura, you we're so obsessed with Sasuke that you didn't even see Naruto right in front of you, who needed help. Sasuke, you thought everyone else was so far below you and you could get the bells all by yourself and Naruto, you were the worst, you attacked with out thinking and could have gotten your comrades killed. Storm although you acted on your own accord and stayed in the shadows, you still pass because you helped you team, even if they didn't help you." Kakashi says to us.

"I wasn't trying to go for the bells, I was just using my brain, I couldn't fight a Jonin alone and before I got the chance to ask, Sakura ran off, Naruto immidately went for the lunches and the bell went off." I say to him with a shrug.

"Sakura kill Naruto and Storm kill Sakura if she kills Naruto, or Sasuke dies." Kakashi says holding Sasuke to the ground.

"Nope." I say leaning back on one of the logs.

Kakashi looks at me confused. "No?" He asks.

"There is always another way. You just have to look for it." I point to a rabbit trying to get into its burrow but a few mice block it. "The rabbit could take out those mice if it wanted to, but it isn't, bloodshed isn't always the answer, right now the rabbit is making another tunnel, its creating a new way." I say to him. "When there isn't another way, make one, isn't that the answer?" I ask him. "In this case, the person who captured Sasuke, needs something otherwise they would have killed him and continued killing everyone else. The answer is to always have someone hidden as back up so there is a surprise attack, that way Sasuke and his squad are saved and they have another person joining the fray on their side. The enemy could be outnumbered or evenly matched with Sasuke's squad, or outnumbered." I say to him.

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