Fetus Larry

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Holloween Party

    I fiddle with my hands during the whole ride towards Louis’ house. The sun begins to set as other trick or treaters walk from house to house. I let out a sigh as my palms begin to sweat. Louis has been my best friend ever since first grade. Of course, over time I started to develop feelings for him. I just can't help the warm and tingly feeling I get when he's around. He still makes me nervous when he walks in the room.

My breath hitches when the car comes to a stop, I look out the window to see his house decorated with skeletons and pumpkins lying around. Louis plans to have the biggest halloween party in the neighborhood. Already, I see a few kids running in and out his front door with silly string.

“Have a great time, Harry! I'll be here to pick you up in the morning.” I hear my mum say as I step out of the car. I grin and send a kiss towards her and close the door. The car drives off into the distance as let out a nervous sigh.

“Boo!” I jump in fright as a pair of small hands grip my shoulders. An angelic laugh flows through the air and sends shivers down my spine. A laugh I know to well, one that causes a tsunami of butterflies to explode in the pit of my stomach.

Louis smiles as I examine his Halloween costume of choice. He wears tight green leggings that hug his curves nicely and a green tank top to go along. A green hat with a red feather is placed on his head while his hair is styled to perfection.

“Peter Pan?” I ask, he grins and nods while placing his hands together behind his back.

“Yup,” He looks at my clothing and realizes I had worn no costume. “You can be my captain hook.”

A blush spreads onto my cheeks as I quickly look down. Everything he says makes my heart skip a beat. I wanted to be his captain hook..but I had other plans in mind.

“C’mon” His hand grabs mine as he guides me through the door and up the stairs to his room. We enter his room and shut the door as he searches his closet for another costume. I fiddle with the hem of my shirt, a habit I learned to use when I got nervous.


“Hold on, I think I found it.”

“But Lou, I um” I stumble over my words and try to organize them into a sentence. “I kinda wanted to be a princess.”

Louis looks at me with a puzzled expression, as if he never expected those words to leave my mouth.

“You do?” He asks with shock flowing through his question.

“No, nevermind. I'll be captain hook-”

“Harry.” He smiles and walks toward me. My cheeks grow even more red with every step he takes. “You could be a princess, my princess.”

I look up as our eyes meet, his blue pupils show love and happiness.

“It’s not weird?” I ask as I get lost in his ocean blue eyes.

“Of course not.” He interlocks his fingers with mine and walks down the hall into a room that belongs to one of his sisters. He opens the closet and searches through the clothing full of bright pink fabric. He pulls out a beautiful pink dress with ruffles at the bottom and a white lace that wraps around the waist. The top layer of the dress sparkles as the ruffles on the shoulders are sewed on gracefully.

He hands me the dress and walks toward the desk placed in the corner of the room. He opens a drawer and searches for something inside. I undress myself and slide on the pretty dress onto my slim body. It fits perfectly as I try to tie the lace behind my back. I struggle with it until I hear a chuckle that catches my attention.

“Lemme help you.” Louis smiles and places the make-up he had found on the bed as he walks behind me. He grabs the ribbon and ties it together. I turn around to face Louis, his eyes travel down my body. Feeling his gaze rush over me makes me blush and smile like an idiot. I clear my throat to catch his attention and he quickly looks away and grabs the makeup.

“C’om here, princess.” I sit in front of him on a stool and place one hand over the other. He grabs the lip gloss and apply some onto my pink lips. His eyes focus on my lips as he tries to stay inside the lines. I giggle when he messes up and accidentally smeared some on the side of my lips.

He smiles and tries to rub it off with his thumb. His touch sends electric butterflies through my skin. I get lost in his eyes as his smile slowly drops. If only I could feel his lips, I want to know how they feel against mine. His lips start to lean closer and closer to mine as my heartbeat begins to rise.

I lean forward and press my lips against his. Our lips fit perfectly as they mold together. I could taste the sweet candy from slipping my tongue in as he lets a small moan past his pink lips.

All this time I thought Louis was straight. I should've known. All the hints he'd been dropping, the tight hugs, the complements, flirtatious winks, the list is endless. I could have had this kiss sooner, yet I still wouldn't have changed a thing.

We pull away to catch our breath and smile. He pecks my lips gently before sliding his hand into mine.

“Let's go have fun, princess. I'll make your night full of adventures.” I blush at his words.

“And what will I give you in return, Peter Pan?” He smirks and glances down at my lips before responding.

“Surprise me.”

So this was just fluff, sorry for those who wanted smut. I thought this was cute, though.

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