The Loveliest

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It infiltrated the night in my room

The walls, the floor, cast an aura of gloom

I stood bothered and couldn't help notice

That her carcass, in midair was floating!

Eyes replaced by a darkness so evil

A dead stare packed with everything lethal

She is the specialist of all people

Now pale, lifeless, but there and beautiful

The stench escapes as she's pinned to the wall

Yet, how did she leave her grave after all?

I couldn't react and utter the words

Of questions, confessions of love for her

The floor then opened a path into hell

As she looked up and asked if I'd been well

She said she was judged by the greatest lord

Sentenced to suffer in gloom evermore

She kept telling me that she'd be okay

To continue living life,  day by day

All my confessions of love she ignored

This didn't matter to me she implored

Through profound driest bliss and lying lips

She had blown what seemed the loveliest kiss

I panted in shock and stood on my bed

As the room only grew evermore red

Told she would greatly miss the kids, she lied

As she fell into hell in a pose crucified!

I nearened to my bride as I watched her leave

She whispered in flames that: she never loved me.

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