Chapter One: Matsumoto's Planning

Start from the beginning

"A party? I guess I could."

"Great!" She was about to flash-step away, but a voice stopped her.

"Are you forgetting someone?" A dark haired man stepped out from behind Kira.

"Hisagi! You're coming, too, right?" Rangiku said.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" He smiled.

"All right." Rangiku was about to flash-step away, but then she saw Rukia in the not so far off distance. "Rukia!!!!!!!!" She ran over to her.

"Huh? What is it Rangiku?" She asked.

"I'm having a party, want to come?"

"Sure. Your squad?"

"Yup. Oh, and make sure to bring Ichigo and the others."

"All right. I'll go tell them now." Rukia flash-stepped away.

Rangiku then flash-stepped to squad two, where she found Yoruichi and Captain Soi Fon talking. "Hello!"

"Hm?" Yoruichi turned to her. "Oh, Rangiku, hey."

"Did I come at a bad time?"

"Oh no. We were just remembering about old times. Is there something you needed?"

"I was wondering if you two would like to come to a party I'm having tonight."

Yoruichi smiled. "A party, huh? Sure, I'd love to come. What about you, Soi Fon?"

"If Lady Yoruichi is going, then I shall go to," The captain said.

"Okay!" Rangiku said. "Yoruichi, when you have the time, could you invite Urahara as well?"

"Sure," She said.

"Thank you and see ya tonight!" She flash-stepped back to her own squad. Captain Hitsugaya was still working on some paperwork when she walked up to his desk. "Captain?"

"What is it Rangiku?"

"About the party..."

He looked at her. "Let me guess, you told everybody it was gonna be here."

"Heh heh, um..."

"Rangiku!!!!!!" He exclaimed.


Sighing, he said, "You can have the party, but only if all your work is finished before hand."

"All of it?"

"Yes, all of it."

"But that'll take forever!"

"Not if you get started now." He went back to his work. Rangiku sighed and sat at her desk, taking some of the paperwork and starting to work, although she wasn't happy about it.

Almost half an hour later, Captain Hitsugaya had finished his work and Rangiku was only a third through hers.

"When did you tell everyone to show up?" He asked.

"I just told them tonight," She answered.

"So they could come at any time?"

"Well, yeah..."

"You need to actually schedule a time." He advised her just as there was a knock on the door. He went over and slid it open to see you standing there. "_________? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, Captain Hitsugaya," You said. "I just came here to see Rangiku if that's okay with you."

"You're not here for the party?"


"Oh! ________!" Rangiku exclaimed, rushing over to the door. "I forgot to ask you!"

"You're having a party, huh?" You asked.

"Will you be there?"

"Uh...," You glanced at Hitsugaya, unsure of what to do.

"She's allowed as long as her work is finished," He assured you.

"Then sure. What do I have to lose?"

"Great!" Rangiku smiled, grabbing your arm and pulling you in. "Then you can help me!"

"Wait, what?"

"You can help me with my work and then with setting up the party!" She pulled you to her desk and pushed you into the chair.

"Hey, wait a second!" Hitsugaya said. "I wanted you to do it yourself, Rangiku."

"But you just said to get it done. You didn't say how."

"Ugh, whatever. As long as you do some work, I guess it's okay. ________, just make sure you don't do it all yourself."

"All right," You said. He left the two of you in the room to finish the work.

"All right, ________, get to work!" Rangiku exclaimed.

"I had a feeling you'd say that. So you're just gonna ignore Captain Hitsugaya's orders?"

"Someone's gotta set up the party."

"And that would naturally be you."

"Yup, so we both gotta get cracking!" The two of you got down to work. You wizzed through the paperwork and put it all together.

"Good work!" Rangiku put some decorations in your hands. "Hang these up!" You hung them above the desks, along the walls, really anywhere you could find a place to put them. Every time you finished one job, Rangiku put another in your hand to do. It seemed like she had a bottomless bag of jobs to set the party up. It didn't help that you were the only one who was doing any of the work. Again.

When Captain Hitsugaya came back, you had just finished putting the last decoration up.

"It doesn't even look the same," He said, then looked at the papers on the desk. "________, did Rangiku help you with those?"

"Hm?" You asked, a bit tired from all the work. "Oh, yes, she did."

"Are you just saying that to save her?"


He eyed you for a few seconds, then said, "All right. I guess the party can go on."

"Great!" Rangiku exclaimed. "So you'll stay for it?"

"I didn't say that!" He looked at her. "But I guess I will."

Rangiku smiled and said, "So everybody's gonna be here!"


"Tell me you didn't invite all of the Gotei 13," You said.

"No, not the whole Gotei 13." She assured the two of you as the door slid open and Ikkaku and Yumichika walked in.

"Are we early?" Yumichika asked.

"No," You said as more people arrived. Soon the whole office was filled with all the people that Rangiku had invited. "How many people did you invite, Rangiku?"

"Just all my friends."

"Captain Zaraki?"

"Okay, maybe a few more than my friends." She turned to everyone and shouted, "Let the party begin!"

Matsumoto's Party (Bleach Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now