Chapter 13 ♡

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The bell rings and y'all head out and you went to 3rd block and, after that hours past and y'all was going home Lisa came to pick y'all up and everyone went crazy, y'all first wanted to sign things and take pictures but ofc y'all had other stuff to do so y'all later left, you got home and went up and closed the door, but put your bag on your bed and tool off your shoes and then someone hugs you from behind

Xx:You missed me?!

You:Omg!!, you scared me!!!

Joel:I'm sorry

You turned to face him and he smashes his lips into yours and you wrapped your arms around his neck and then y'all separated after that you begin to do some homework

Joel:How was school?

You:Good lol... i just need this semester and I'm out

Joel:That's good


You finished doing homework and he lays down beside you and y'all cuddled and you looked up and he kissed you, you loved his kisses and that when Jess comes in... y'all quickly stopped and act like y'all was talking

Jess: Hey, um Harrison is here

You:Tell him I'll be down


She leaves and you was about to get up when Joel pulls you back down and kissed you and you said this between the kisses

You:Joel.... lets..... go....
*He stops*
Joel:Ok fine..

Yall get up and leave and went up and you jumped on Harrison's back and he laughed, you get off

Harrison:Hey, um are you busy?

You:Um idk, why?

Harrison:I was wondering if you want to go out?

You:Can we tomorrow?

Harrison:Yeah, wyd rn?

You:I'm hanging out with Joel and I got school tomorrow

Harrison:Oh ok.. well I'll go pick you up from school tomorrow?

You:Yeah sure!

Harrison:Bye lil sis


He leaves and you and Joel went back up and you locked the door and he sits down and you went up to him and he holds your waist and he lays down an being you down with him

Joel:What you want to do?

You:Idk, and You?

*He flips you over an he is now on top of you and his body inside your legs, he smashes his lips into yours and you kissed him back, yall kissed and kissed and then you stopped and he got off*

Joel:What's wrong?

You:Why do you do this?

Joel:Um... *He checks his phone* the guys called me..

You:Answer me..

Joel:Um the guys texted me that Renato needs to talk to me, I'll see you later


- He leaves and you got sad, you was Hoping he said he liked you or even loved you but you was wrong, he just did this to play with my feelings but it's ok

After he left, you went to eat, he got late, you went to go shower and then came out and changed and took a picture it was kinda bad but you still posted it

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