please read😶😔

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Hello, how are y'all?

I  don't think I w ont be able to post anything because my purse got stolen, it had my phone and that was my phone that was connected and I kept all the stories in, and that went in my purse, along with my passport and ID and Money

Um, I can't remember everything I put inside the chapters I will try my best, to remember everything like I said I'm sorry, but I will be working on the chapters.

Quick little opinion about yesterday with that guy that killed 17 people
Um people are sick and will do things, I'm so disgusted in the world we all live in like this is b.s
I'm scared to even go out because anything can happen, please be safe anywhere y'all are if it's in school, home, or somewhere else please be careful, anyways that's guy is sick he didn't mean to, my prayers go out to all those families who's kids passed away, they are all in a better place

Please y'all if y'all are bulling people or you see someone treat some else wrong please stand up for them, please this stuff happens to people because of depression, or they get bullied please don't bully anyone and stand up for people, this is why sometimes things like what happen yesterday happen😐 so please respect everyone

And about my stories I'm sorry but I'll try my best to get the stories going and try to remember everything😏
I feel bad because everything was in there, and the people who took it just took it, like wtf! And I do have another phone but rn my Wi-Fi not working so I'll try

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