S: Is she in there?

S: Is she in there?

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Steve sobbed.

- Yes. Unfortunately everyone is put here, it's a bit inhumane, I know, but... It was not for the family to come in here and see this.

S: All right.

At least she died quietly, with no pain. Steve thought.

The doctor pulled the door from Lindsay's body compartment and pulled the mat with her body out. Steve turned on his back at the same time, he didn't want to see anymore, there is no way he could that.

- This disease, you know...

The coroner sighed.

- It is just so unpredictable and silent at times. Very sad to lose a child to a cancer.

Steve looked at the doctor and frowned.

S: What did you say?

- I bed you pardon?

S: What did you say about cancer?

- Sir... Hm... Wait a minute.

The doctor pulled out a clipboard and read Lindsay Romanoff Rogers' chart.

- That's right... It's cancer. Why are you so surprised?

S: You made a mistake, she didn't have cancer, she had, uh... a thing with her lungs, she needed a device to breathe... can you check again?

- I made the authopsy myself, it was the cancer, it was in a very advanced stage. That's what I've identified as the cause of death.

S: That can't be right!!!

Steve looked at the baby on the mat, her skin pale, her lips purple from the cold. Steve started shaking right away, he knew that baby was not Lindsay, but he could be confused because babies can look alike when they're small. But there was a way of knowing if that was Lindsay or not.

S: Doctor, can you lift the... blanket, please?

- Yes.

The doctor did what Steve asked.

S: Can I? Just...

Steve turned the baby's body to see her back and he was starin in shock to the back of the baby.

S: That's not my daughter!

- How come? Please, sir, calm down.

S: That's not my daughter! Where is she???

- Sir, everything's fine. This reaction is normal, of course she is your daughter. I know how it's hard to accept her death.

Steve grabbed the doctor's collar and lifted him off the floor.

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