Runaway Circus

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"I... I d- don't—" My words were nothing more than an inaudible squeak. There was nothing I could say to defend myself, nothing that he would believe. I don't do drugs. I don't even have friends other than Chester. How my sister ever managed to convince him that I do is beyond me. I squeeze my eyes shut in pain as he grabbed a fistful of my hair before dragging a rough thumb under my eye, taking off some of the makeup that covered the bruise. His eyes narrowed further at this. "And you're all caked up like a fucking whore. Are you prostituting too now? You make me fucking sick." He throws me down to the floor, causing my hands to cut on the glass as tears filmed over my eyes.

"Clean this shit up before she gets home, and you better apologize to her for being a useless excuse for a daughter." Breathing heavily, I stare down at the glass and form a glare. This is it. I ignore the sting of my cuts and get to my feet, staring into his eyes with nothing but hatred.

"Fuck you." I felt a rush of cold down my back as silence fell between us.

"What did you say?" I raise my voice. It was out in the open now, so there was no point in taking it back.

"Fuck you! You say I'm a worthless daughter; well, you are a worthless father! You beat me up and yell at me when I've done nothing wrong, so I say fuck you! I hope you die; I hope you realize all the things you've done wrong to me and know that you'll never have my forgiveness. I've finally seen what kindness and love is, and this is far from it. I'm leaving forever! I've had enough!" I hardly blinked when my head was slammed against the door hard enough to send my mind spinning. I fell to the floor again and groan as my face and arms are cut open by the glass.

"You have some fucking nerve spewing that shit! This is the thanks I get for giving you a roof over your head and food on the table? You want to leave and whore around, filling this empty head of yours with drugs." I scream as his foot pressed down on my skull, worsening the scratches from the broken beer bottle.

"You think I'm a bad father, then that's what you'll get. I won't take anymore of this disrespect! It's time I set you straight!'

Chester's POV:

The sharp sound of a scream resonated from Y/N's house, making me jump and spin my head towards the building in horror.

'What happened?' My mind raced in panic as I tried to figure out what to do. I looked back and forth, but no one is around. I felt around my costume for my phone only to remember that I didn't have it on me, so calling the police wasn't an option.

'Crap! What do I do? I have to help her!' I rush past the gate and up to the door before banging on the wood. Now that I was closer, I could hear sounds of struggle getting farther and farther from the door and more shouting from that poor girl. Likely, they couldn't hear me over the ruckus. With no other choice, I twist the knob and step onto a pile of glass, which crunches under my shoe. I leap over it quickly and look at the shards with wide eyes before my attention was caught by more shouting.

"Let go!" Y/N cried out desperately from the other room, sounding like she was in a great deal of pain. I cautiously sneak my way towards the kitchen and peek in, ensuring I was hidden after seeing two figures— One, who is Y/N, and a man, who I think is her dad. He looks very angry, and I noticed that her face is all cut up now, probably from that glass by the door. I was frozen as I watched him drag her towards a door.

"Shut up and think about what you've done!" With one hard shove, she was thrown into the room ruthlessly. I flinch and cover my mouth at the sound of hard thuds, like she had tumbled down a flight of stairs, followed by a sharp cry. I hid behind the wall when the door slammed shut and locked. I heard footsteps, but thankfully, they walked away from me and out another door. I peer back around the corner and see no one around, but there is a key on the counter now.

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