chapter » 01

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  • Dedicated to Chloe (:

omf im proud.

xox alex

"Summer was just beginning the day I met Nash Grier. I didn't know my life would become different after I met him. But, it did. I'm still trying to figure out if it was for better or for worse."


I sat up in bed, my back aching from the awkward position I fell asleep in. I stretched my arms high above me, hearing a soothing pop noise leave my tired bones. I sighed in relief. That's better.

I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes as I stood from my comfy bed. I looked at the warm sheets and whimpered, yearning to go back to sleep. Luckily, it was my last day of school before summer break.

I showered, taking as long as I needed before slipping out and checking the time. 7:45. Shit, I'm going to be late!

I hurriedly dried myself off and slipped into an oversized purple shirt and dark skinny jeans. I slipped on some beige colored flats and took a deep breath.

I ran back to the bathroom to swipe on some eyeliner and mascara before taking my hair down from the securely wrapped towel. My wet and long, light brown hair with hot pink ends cascaded down my back. I blow dried it as fast as possible. Realizing I didnt have enough time to straighten it, I left it in its normal wavy state.

I grabbed my messenger back and took the steps two at a time in a hurry to at least eat a Granola bar before I had to leave. When I entered the kitchen, my stepmother, Anna, was leaning against the kitchen island, reading the paper.

"You're late," She said sternly.

I rolled my eyes once my back was to her. "I'm aware." I opened the pantry and removed a Honey Oat Granola bar from its box and shoving it into my bag.

"Remember to get your report card before you leave school today," She nagged on.

I nodded, kissing her cheek. "Gotcha. Where's dad? Is he up yet?"

She set the paper down, taking a long sip on her coffee. "He already left for work."

I nodded. "Oh." I didn't see my dad much since he got a new work schedule. He was a lawyer and was constantly at the office now.

Anna noticed my sad eyes. "Hey," She said, walking over to me and hugging me. "It's okay. Now, go to school." She kissed my forehead.

I made a face, wishing I would become deathly ill so I wouldn't have to go to school today. It's not like we were going to actually learn.

"Don't give me that look, Willow. You're going to school whether you like it or not."

I sulked, crossing my arms over my chest. "Fine!" I stormed out of the room, banging my feet against the wood floor as I went. When I reached the garage door, Anna called out, "Have fun!"

"Don't get your hopes up!" I mumbled to myself as I closed the door behind me.

I unlocked my white 2013 Altima and slid into the driver's seat. "This is bullshit." I grumbled to myself, leaning my head against the wheel. I heard the garage door slide up, letting me pull out. I drove down our driveway, taking one last look at the house before pulling into the street and driving off to school.


"Ha ha! Very funny, Gwen!" I rolled my eyes and snatched my bag of Original Skittles out of her hands.

"Oh come on, W! You know it's true!" Ashley cackled, her blonde hair falling in her face. "You totally have a crush on Cameron!"

Gwen nodded. "It's obvious."

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