chapter 26

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Disclaimer: I own nothing and no one

Chapter 26: New Perspectives


Draco had intended to cancel on the DA meeting when he'd first noticed the Galleon glowing on the mantelpiece. But then Potter had shown up in person, and given him that look – confused, imploring disappointment – and he'd felt himself caving, compelled to obey in that same distressing way that he was starting to recognise now.

And so, once again, he found himself standing sullenly before an unimpressed audience as Potter prattled on about some spell or another. Draco had decided he had no idea why he was even needed here, other than being something for Potter to show off and parade about. He could just imagine the Gryffindor knowing full well what he did to him and using it to his own advantage. Honestly, he was surprised there was room in here for everyone else, with that idiot's ego taking up so much space…

But he found himself sighing, and shaking his head. No matter how frustrated he grew, sheer common sense told him that it was too out of character for Potter to take advantage of anyone like that.

Still, it stung. Was there no one who didn't have some kind of power over him right now?


He snapped to attention, realising with vague embarrassment that the Gryffindor had been trying in vain to gain his attention for some unknown period of time, and now stared at him with raised eyebrows.

"What?" he snapped, ignoring his lapse.

Potter blinked, but didn't comment on his hostile response. He stepped closer for privacy, and Draco realised the rest of the DA had already been set whatever assignment the Gryffindor had dreamt up.

"Is something wrong?"

The Slytherin sneered. "Oh, I'm sorry, aren't I showing my sparkling enthusiasm to be here? Or is it that, surprisingly, I'm not fawning over your every bloody word for once?"

Green eyes cooled rapidly. "Well, actually, it's that you're being a complete prat. More so than usual!"

"Oh, fuck off. What the hell am I supposed to be doing so we can get this over with?"

"Did I do something?" Potter demanded. Though he sounded as pissed off as Draco had ever heard him, he kept his voice lowered to a hiss, trying not to allow their temporarily distracted audience to overhear.

Opening his mouth with half a dozen snide replies to that question on his tongue, the Slytherin forced himself to stop and close his eyes. In his head, he counted silently to ten, making an effort he rarely bothered with to control his temper.

When he'd reached something resembling calm, he forced himself to meet the confused green gaze steadily. "After this is done, I need to talk to you." The words wanted to choke him, wanted to falter and trail off into nothing, but he didn't let them.

The Gryffindor's anger retreated, and he frowned in perplexity – no, he frowned with worry, Draco realised, exasperated. He didn't want worry or pity, which would doubtlessly only increase once Potter heard what he actually had to say.

But that could wait.

"Am I here for a reason, or do you just want someone to talk to?" he drawled, signalling the end of this testy conversation. At least for the moment.

Harry sighed, obviously unsure. But he shook his head and seemed to relent, gesturing vaguely toward the other occupants of the room. "Do what you always do. Scare the fuck out of them…"


Hermione looked around her, and found Luna standing nearby. She smiled and walked toward her, seeing a suitable partner in Ron's absence. But before she could say anything, someone else stepped into her path.

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