Black panther's fighting style (Just watched Movie)

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There is not a distinct fighting style to define him.There are many.Based on his name, and his claws, he must fight like a panther or cat. So, he attacks his opponent most likely, with the intent to damage him completely without showing that many recognizable marks.

That doesn't mean he completely fights like a cat though. So like any traditional superhero, he knows some Asian fighting style.Jujutsu, perhaps. Cha Ching.

You can probably already guess what they are.Some, sumo and high difficulty martial arts.

He received the best fighting education from both Wakanda and the Western world. So, he has gained African fighting styles,  we can assume.

When he was dueling, his fighting style was based on Zulu (Stick fighting).In this sport,it is used for men to settle disputes respectfully.And, as soon as blood comes out, sliding, showing on the ground, you win.

Black Panther is a genius, in his own right.His fighting style is unique. So, I say it's Wakandaian. Shoot,he can beat Batman, Captain America, and also have better technology at the same fucking time.

 Shoot,he can beat Batman, Captain America, and also have better technology at the same fucking time

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