Chapter 1

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District 12. Present

Today is very chilly day and waking up because wind burst you windows open isn't the best start of the day.
And when i say windows, i mean wooden frames, with the hint of the faded ,once green color. My house remembers better days too,once warm fireplace, now lost its role in our lives as has my dad. Man full of light became complete stranger to me in the blink of an eye.
Maybe my house is ruined and looks completely spooky, but it blends well with the districts architecture, and if someone has ever laid a foot on this place, he knows that district 12 doesn't has architecture.

As everyday i go to my dad's bedroom, knock, but theres no sound coming from the room, normally i should be concerned, but since my brothers death, my dad sickened, I couldn't do anything because only person who knew how to cure a person, was in the same condition as my dad.

"Good morning dad, today is very cold.
I locked the windows as you tough me, hope they don't open up again".....

"I am going to the woods, I know you don't like woods, but i will be careful"

Thats the best conversation we have had for years, me talking to my self and no response.

I leave the house and lock the door, cross my neighbors backyard, jog for 7 minutes. And finally i see the fence, only thing that separates me and the woods, my source of living and peace.
Not only mine of course, theres me, Katniss and Gale. Me and Katniss are same age, when Gale is year older than us.

Mostly theres no electricity in district 12 and fence is never charged and it kind of became a habit of government, but the games are near, evil eye never sleeps.

Since i have hunted almost 4 days nonstop, i have exchanged meat for important things, some i kept for me and my dad. So you can say that I could have stayed with my dad today, but looking at him in this state is only driving me insane.

I know the woods like a back of my hand, i hear birds tweeting freely, normally i would use it as my advantage and hunt one or two,but now ,that I don't have to worry about food for few days, i am amused with the beauty of this little creatures. I skip lots of trees and spot Gales traps, in which he is a professional.
Traps are empty, which means that Gale has already been here or Hawthornes family will have another unlucky day.
Theres only three of us who hunt in this woods but for some reason animals are getting more careful and it is becoming hard to catch them.
Between three of us who really needs food is Gale. He has three adorable siblings and mother, he is only eighteen,but for his age, he is very mature.
When we were little, my brother and him were always getting into fights, mostly it was my brother who would come out beaten and bruised, because he was lot smaller than Gale and even then I was very curious with this boy, because no matter what, he never once smiled at anyone.
I remember it was mid November and I was returning home from school, when suddenly little snowflakes started to fall from the grey sky, I was only eight years old and i stuck my tongue out, in hope of catching one little snowflake, because my mother would always say that snowflakes were little fairies dancing around in the snow and if anyone would catch them, fairy would grant them a wish.
As i was very focused on snowflakes, I didn't noticed how a boy approached me and stood there with amused face.

" what is it you are doing there?" Voice belonged to young Gale, who looked annoyed with me

" hey there. I was trying to catch snowflakes. Wanna join?"

" I am not a little kid, to run after snow like a dumb person."

"Hey those are snowflakes not snow! Besides I didn't know you would be scared of little snowflakes"

"I am not scared, I am a big now and adults don't run after stupid snowflakes"

"I don't think you are a big, because you don't have a job like a big person and snowflakes are not going to grant you a wish, because you called them stupid"

"What wish?" And curioussity crossed little Gale's face

" snowflakes are disguised fairies and if you catch them they will grant you any wish"


"Yes anything"

" So they can bring back anyone from heaven?"

" Yeah i think they can, but i am not sure"

" well why are you standing there, lets catch them" that was the first time I saw him smile and after that we have been together, then we met Katniss and that is how our friendship started.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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