Chapte 10

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I slowly opened my eyes to a pounding headache. I tried to grab my head but that's when I realized that I was tied to the chair, I struggled to get free from the chair, I even tried to go ghost but every time I got zapped and I screamed in pain. I bent forward in pain, then I heard a door unlock, I looked up with angry eyes. I saw four people in cloaks walk around me. "Who are you?" I asked, weakly but angrily. They stood around me quietly, they never spoke a word. "Answer me, now!" I yelled, causing one or two to flinch, but still said nothing. The one in front of me, pulled out a gun. "Your going to kill me? Do it, I lost my boyfriend all because of my best friend and my evil sister Chloe, all wanted was to keep my life under control, without my fucking powers being used to get me in trouble. Sometimes I wish I was a normal teenage girl." I said, lowering my head again, my hair fell to my side of my head covering up that fact that I was crying, but I was pretty sure they could hear me since it was so fucking quiet in here. Then I heard a middle age man say "Untie her from the chair but retie her hands together behind her back." I looked up shocked. One of the blacked clock people came over and untied me, I didn't want to get my hands tied up so I punched the guy in the face. "I want you to explain to me to why you kidnapped me and stuck a needle in my back?" I yelled in anger. "Silent young one, you will listen to us if you want to survive." The same middle age man said. I frozed, I heard the gun click behind my head. "Now put your hands behind your back, so I don't have to shot you." I placed my hands behind me and they tied them up super tight. He pushed me forwards, into this dark red light up room, it kinda of terrorfied me even more then what happened yesterday. "Why don't you just kill me?" I asked, "Ask and you won't receive." Said the man. "Okay? Your kind of freaking me out here?" I said, confused. "Good..." the man said. "Can I at least get your name?" I asked "Silent" he said, calmly. I looked down, I saw the chains on my feet. I looked around, I noticed that there was animal skins hanging over the walls. "Your wish was to be a normal human... correct?" The man said. "Well, at time but not all the time, I mean yeah having my powers is a pain but it saves my life at times." I said, a little freaked out. "I see, you mentioned your sister Chloe Royer." The man said. "Yes but I never mentioned her last name, how do you know that?" I asked, confused. "There is a lot you don't know, Elisabeth..." the man said. I stopped in my tracks. "How do you know my name?" I asked, scared. "In time you will know, my child." He said, as he pushed me to keep going.

We got to this giant room that had a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, fancy chairs with a diner table and two people still in cloaks standing at each door. I was still super confused and scared. "Why did you bring me here?" I asked, quietly. "Sit, I'll explain everything." He said. I slowly made my way to the fancy chair and sat down, he walked over to one of the doors and said "Make sure she doesn't leave." Then walked off. I looked around, I saw this picture, I got up and walked over to it, I saw Chloe with some older dude holding her shoulders, he had black hair with it dyed red at the tips like Chloe's hair. He had a black suit on with what looked to be a small button that said 'Master'. "I see you found your sister." I turned quickly, nearly losing my balance. "Oh um sorry but why do you have this picture of her? And who's the older man holding her shoulders." I asked. "Come sit, Elisabeth. I have a lot to explain." He said. I walked over and sat at the end of the table, on the opposite side of the table. "So tell me, who's this boyfriend of yours?" He asked, calmly. "Hey, how is this relevant? I want to know who you are, why you know my name and my sister, and why you kidnapped me?"  I asked irritated to the maxed. "Well Elisabeth, let me start at the beginning shall I..."

"I was young when your mother met me, we were in the bar and may I say it, I was a little bit drunk, I walked over to your mother and told her some, shall I say it, cheesy pickup lines that somehow worked. Me and your mother went to the back room, and shall I say this to a little teenage girl? Well we started getting it on. After that I went home to my pet dog and slept. After a week or too I went back to the bar to find you mother waiting outside. She told me she was pregnant and had to ask me for help, since I was the one to get her pregnant in the first place. We ended getting together, had a lovely time, until the big fight came. I've never told her about my job, what I really do, see my child, I am a leader of a group called the 'aliens'. We all had our special abilities that we weren't proud of but we learned to cope with them, but we weren't the goody two shoes that we were made to be, we were the ones using our powers to gain power. Well when your mother found out she was furious, I would be too if I found out that she had powers and was the leader of the 'aliens', anyways we made a deal, since we were having twins we would each get one and never speak to one other ever again, so that's What happened. Your mother took you and I took Chloe. I taught her the way over the 'aliens' and soon I'll teach you, my other daughter."

I was such in shocked but I was also angry at the same time. "Then why would you kidnapped me me? Why couldn't you just tell me with all this fucking kidnaping." I said angrily. He just laughed at my questions. "You wouldn't have came if I told you, you would have took it as a joke and tried to hurt your old man." He said. "Can you let me go?" I asked, angrily. "Not yet honey, you have a lot here for you to do before you can leave." My dad said. "What do you want with me anyways. You've never came to anything in my life, I didn't even know what you looked like until now so makes you think I'm going to help you out so easily?" I asked irritated. "Well with the help of Chloe I can make you help me." my dad said. I got up fast, causing the chair to fall over. "Don't fucking do this." I yelled, angrily. He snapped fingers and walked in another person in a black cloak. The person took off the hood and appeared Chloe. "Yes daddy?" she said, smiling evilly. "Control her." He said. She flicked her fingers and my whole body tensed up, as I tired to fight it. I fell to my knees and closed my eyes. Then I couldn't control anything anymore. I felt myself get off the ground. "Take the ropes and belt off. She's one of us now." said my dada.I felt someone grab my hands and I heard a snap. My hands fell to my side then I felt someone grabbed the belt and I heard a click, then a thunk. I changed into my ghost form. "Ready to cause chaos, my darling." asked my dad. "Oh i'm ready" I said, in a low voice. Then I felt myself push off the ground into the air.

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