Boy oh boy

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After I'm well hid, footsteps echo through the quite forest as the sound gets louder.

A boy appears out of the forest slowly approaching the rocks I was laying on earlier, his back facing me.

I couldn't manage to see his face but just by studying him I could tell he was about my age or older.

His hair was different shades of brown just about covering half his ears, his back was bent and I could tell something was wrong in that head of his.

He sits down on the hard solid rocks and just stares into the forest.

For a second there I was debating whether I should or shouldn't approach him.

I decide not to as he could recognise me and give me in to the station.

By the looks of it he was going to take ages here and i was going numb all over.

As I was hunched by the bush I accidentally fall on the twigs beside me and the boy turns his head toward the sound.

However I don't manage to see him as I am already sprinting down the forest going as fast as my legs could carry me.

I stumble over a tree root and end up flying face down to the floor with one thought in my head.

"Oh boy oh boy"

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