Lord of the Flies by William Golding

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"The thing is - fear can't hurt you any more than a dream."

"Maybe there is a beast... maybe it's only us."

"Life . . . is scientific . . . .I know there isn't no beast . . . but I know there isn't no fear, either . . . .Unless we get frightened of people."

"The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away."

"The greatest ideas are the simplest."

"We did everything adults would do. "

"Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! You knew, didn't you? I'm part of you? Close, close, close! I'm the reason why it's no go? Why things are what they are?"

"What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages?"

"He found himself understanding the wearisomeness of this life, where every path was an improvisation and a considerable part of one's waking life was spent watching one's feet."

"His voice rose under the black smoke before the burning wreckage of the island; and infected by that emotion, the other little boys began to shake and sob too. And in the middle of them, with filthy body, matted hair, and unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of mans heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy."

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