You are at the exact ripe age to learn what these hands can do except pick a cup of tea" she speaks holding on to Crystal's hands before she walks away along with the women.

Crystal stands on her spot staring at her palms with a frown, deep in her own thoughts.


"Where were you?" Adrian asks stepping away from the wall next to Crystal's door as soon as he sees her.

"Can I not be out of my room for a while?" she groans.

"Don't groan it is not ladylike"

"Of course, because you know all about ladylike things, are you sure you are not one yourself"

"Cry" he warns making her groan again.

"You are to stay in your room and walk around with an escort" he reminds her.

"And you need to stop being so bossy, what kind of Royal does it make me?" she asks.

"The one who is too talkative"

"I am going to be a queen someday and I cannot let you order me around"

"But you are no queen now"

"That is because you do not..."

"Enough" he stops making her sigh.

"What do you want anyways? Waiting in the wee hour in front of my door is not very gentleman like" she points out.

"That's because I am no gentleman but a man with responsibilities that you are not letting him do. Your father handed me your life in my hands, to guard you"

"And I do not understand what you are guarding me from? I do not see any dangers that are waiting for me or perhaps if you tell me what they are I may be aware to never meet them" she speaks making him narrow his eyes at her attitude.

"Four a.m. on the training ground tomorrow" he snaps making her blink a few times before she jumps from the bed.

"Excuse me" she shouts but he says nothing and just walks out.


"Open the door" Adrian's loud voice along with the bang on the door makes Crystal groan and beat her pillow in annoyance.

"I am not awake" she shouts irritated as it really was a wee hours that he has come to take her for training.

"And I am a fairy Godmother" Adrian snaps making her turn her face and glare at the door.

"And ogre would be a better description for you" she shouts back getting up from her bed.

"You better get up and see me on the grounds or I shall unhinge your door" he warns making her throw a pillow.

"Of course your majesty" she snaps before she makes her way to wash her face.

Crystal yawns once again as she stands in front of Adrian who narrows her eyes as he hands her a wooden sword.

"Stop yawning" he asks before asking her to attack him.

"I would rather have a real sword if I am to attack you" she speaks before she drops the sword and sits on the ground.

"Get up we are here to train sit and enjoy the view"

"It's too dark for me to even see your unmanly face so how can you accuse me of enjoying the view"

"Do not be difficult Cry, get up hold the sword"

"And suddenly I am not a lady anymore but one of your trainees"

"A Queen should be able to protect"

"Can we just cut it out, a queen, a queen and queen I have had enough of that word. You all assume I will be a queen what about my thoughts, my desires what if I do not want to be a queen?" she groans as she lies on the ground.

"If every living being would get to be what they want to don't you think this place will be nothing but a hideous one?" he asks making her sigh.

"I do not want to be here, I want to go back to Aura and do whatever I like"

"But you cannot, and you are here now, forever and it's a very long time. I should at least teach you how to protect yourself if times will be against us...

Not everyone likes the idea of a woman ruling them, so come on get up"

"But then why do you like the idea of a woman ruling you?" she questions making him sigh as he picks up the sword from the ground.

"Because a woman is a deadly weapon, she may look fragile and innocent but they do have an even greater evil inside of them"

"You think I am evil"

"I know you are"


"And I also know, that I will not let that evil within you overpower your innocence, now enough of talks" he speaks interrupting her.

"You are one weird man Ad, I wonder whoever that woman is, who will win your cold heart"

"Perhaps I do not have a heart for a woman to win"

"In that case good luck to you when your invisible heart start to beat and makes you feel alive" she grins taking the sword from his hand as she raises the first strike.


"Ugh, I hate him" Crystal whines as she lies on the bed in pain.

"It was your first day, you should not have pushed so hard" one of the maid's states making her groan in pain as all of her muscles aches.

"One strike, all I wanted was to get one strike at him. Could he not be a man and just take the beating? But no, because he is no man and now because of him I am nothing but a body full of pain" she winces turning to lie on her back.

"Shall I cancel all of your day's plans?" the maid offers and Crystal groans.

"And never see another sunlight ever if Ad finds I missed any of my classes, no thank you. But maybe we can do the classes in my room instead"

"And fire us all?" the maid gasps making Crystal frown.


"You do know, no one is to step in your room not even the guards until its dire need? He has warned us all off clearly that no one without the Lord's permission to enter the rooms and you have all of your classes in here?

That's a terrible idea" the maid clarifies.

"Are you sure he is not my father?" she sighs.

"We all are" the maid smile.

Crystal {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now