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"Hailey" I hear Luke's voice calling me lowly.

Why the hell am I waking up again? I did that already today. No, but now I'm in the living room, I can feel the tough couch making my body hurt even more. My mind plays a short flash back where I wake up feeling like shit and not remembering anything, I then notice Luke beside me and realize we slept together again. That makes me mad and I end up coming here to stay away from him. I guess I was too tired to stay awake.

"Hailey, hey, you're okay?" I hear Luke asking again. I let out a weak groan, making him laugh "C'mon, you need to eat something"

I get up as fast as I can, letting out a loud sigh and hidding my face in my hands "Fuck Luke, why do I always end up feeling like shit when I'm around you?"

I get a weird moment of silence as an answer and look up at him, that stares serious at the ground, apparently lost in his own thoughts. He shakes his head when he notice my glare "Yeah, sorry about that.  Hey, do you remember anything of last night?" His words come out quickly out of his mouth and it takes me a while to understand.

"No, that's why I say a feel like shit" I pull a face at him with a laugh, getting up and heading the kitchen "Apparently you're not too good yourself, huh? Wanna tell me what kinda stupid things we've done while drunk? Well, other than sleeping together, of course"

I watch him bite his bottom lip frowning while I grab some cereal "I wasn't dru... I mean, that was not..." He stops for a second and takes a deep breath "Nothing, I actually don't remember much either"

"We have to stop drinking so much, I'm starting to think that we don't remember half of our lives already"

"Yeah..." He says with a humorless laugh. For some reason he looks really distracted, he's probably still a little dizzy because of the achool or something.

"This cereal tastes like shit, seriously. I need to buy some actual food"

He nods slowly, observing me washing the bowl "So, you don't remember anything at all?" He asks again. I roll my eyes at him, resting myself against the kitchen counter.

"I already said I don't. Maybe it's even better if we don't remember anyway. I tend to regret what I do when I'm drunk"

He gives me a small smile and comes closer to me, placing his hands on my waist gently. I sudenly feel my heart beating faster and I get nervous, my hands reach his chets and I push him away slightly, but he doesn't seem to care, approaching me even more. I force myself to turn away when his lips rub mine softly.

"Luke, we have to stop that, alright? I mean it" He looks at me serious, his hands still on my waist "We're friends and... We have to continue being friends, you know?" The words taste bitter in my tongue but I keep saying them, avoiding Luke's gaze the best I can "Let's not confuse things, please"

He opens his mouth as he's about to say something but he closes it again, hesitating. He takes one of his hands off me only to slip his fingers through his own hair, he always does that when he doesn't know what to say. His eyes are focused on my lips when he nods slowly "Yeah, you're right" He places a kiss upon my forehead and I let him hug me sweetly, wrapping my arms around him tight.

When he pulls away, after taking a deep breath, he has a hopeful grin on his face "Let's go out then, huh? Forget about this shitty hangover. What do you say?"

I can't help but smile, as always.


We ended up spending the whole afternoon just walking through the city and talking. It wasn't awkward, it wasn't difficult, it was us, best friends just laughing and having a great time together. No kissing, no grabbing waist, though I could notice from time to time that Luke was about to do something but he always seemed to force himself to stop and get back to acting just like friends.

It was already dark when we stop by the beach and sit on the low wall of the parking lot. It's a pleasent night, and the wind coming from the sea is warm enough to doesn't make us feel cold. The view from the beach and the light of the city on the other side always made me feel so... at home somehow. 

"I still don't get why every boy in our class was in love with her, seriously" I say to Luke, crossing my legs and turning to face him.

"She was a hot teacher!" Luke says between laughs.

"She was blond and had blue eyes, that doesn't make a person hot. She still had an ugly face"

"Having an ass that big makes any person hot" He shrugs.

"You were twelve years old! How could you even been thinking about that?"

"Boys are born think about that"

I can help but blurt out a laugh "That's sick"

"That's life" He corrected me with a smirk "Okay, my time to ask..."

I narrow my eyes, waiting to see who he was going to ask if I'd sleep with. I don't know when we started playing this silly game, apparently we were really bored.

"Michael" He says and I feel something weird on my stomatch "Were you actually going to sleep with him the other day?"

I take a deep breath, diverting my eyes from his "Probaly, if you haven't arrived before"

He nods slowly "You like him?"

I look at him, frowning "Why do you care?"

He laughs and punches my arms slightly "You're my friend weirdo, don't shut me out"

I can't avoid a small smile at him "He's a nice guy" I shrug "Maybe if I got to talk to him more... Who knows what could happen"

"Well, do you wanna get to talk to him more?"

I stare at him for a bit, as I could get some information from his eyes, of course that didn't happen. Looking in his eyes just makes me more confused "Why are you asking this?"

He bites his lip and plays with his fingers nervously before saying anything "It's just... You told me something yesterday Hailey"

"Okay... What do you mean?" I wonder where this conversation is getting to.

"You were drunk and you told me that..."

His phone rings loudly in his pocket and I jump a little, startled. Great moment for that to happen, as if I wasn't at all interested in what he was gonna say. Thanks so much life.

"Fuck" He swears lowly as he reaches for his phone "Hello?" I watch him frowning slightly while talking to the person on the other side "Yeah, that's me"

That's when his expression starts to change and he seems to stop breathing for a moment. His eyes get filled with water and a mix of rage and concern takes over his eyes.

Something's wrong.


It took me ages to update this, I'm so sorry. Gonna make it up to you by updating again this week ;)

Thanks for reading xx

Broken Minds » l.h. [SLOW UPDATES]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα