I saw the paps in the bushes. "Daddy they're in the bushes up there." "I know they are, we just gotta move in quickly." "I am trying, but if he didn't weigh like a thousand pounds it'd be easier." He grabbed him from me. We had to invest on a van since we now had to take the kids everywhere, and because the Range Rover is totaled in our backyard still. Dad hasn't made the effort to get it fixed. Dad put him in the car for me while I got Dakota and Sadie in. Only David was coming with us so I could sit in the middle with Marlon. Papa was gonna clean the house or something like that. I had my doubts since the house wasn't even that messy, but I'm assuming he was going to do laundry or dishes. I had no idea, but that's not what was on my mind. To be quite honest I was too high to think about anything, so I didn't. I rested as we drove off.


We arrived at the shopping center. "Dad, what clothes store are we going to?" "One that can surprisingly fit all four of you back there." I knew he was making a joke, but also being serious. I was back to my eighty pounds. So fitting into kids clothes was my forte. I mean aside from my big boobs I could fit into them. I can fit into a child's large and extra large. I was very petite. Dad came around and opened my door. I looked over to him. "Are you ever higher than a kite. What the hell were you thinking?" I was too tired for his shit. "Daddy I'm high on life. Now let me out." He undid my seat belt, then I got out so he could get in the back. I went to the trunk and grabbed the stroller. I was met by David. "See even your father knows. You can sit in the other side of this if you're so tired." We had two double strollers and I was small enough to fit in one. Dad placed Marlon on the top and Dakota in the front half. I had the luxury of sitting with Sadie in the other one. I sat in the back. Just so I could be shielded from the public. Dad placed a blanket over top of it, so I was in the dark. "You good Sam?" "Yeah I'm gonna lay down." "Alright we're starting to move now so don't freak out." "I won't dad." "It's me David now. Dad's pushing the boys." I laughed a bit.

I felt the movement of the stroller. When people asked, we always told them I was too weak because of my cancer. No one bothered us since then. "Sam we're in the store. Wanna see the clothes selection?" I removed the blanket. Dad came around. "Look at this little Jersey." I saw him holding up Leafs jersey. I had one of my own at home. It would be cool to have the kids into hockey too. "Can we get it daddy?" "Yeah of course. I was thinkin' of getting matching ones for the four of you. I know you've got one at home, but the three of'em don't. Since hockey season is starting up again." I agreed, we got matching Auston Matthews jerseys for the kids. "Dad, I need to use the bathroom shortly." "We'll get you there, so don't worry. I'm just gonna get some more stuff for the kids." "Dad, there's still like ten million stores here." "I know, now just relax my love." I pulled the blanket back over my spot. Then I heard a lady come over to us. "You have beautiful children Sir. How old are they?" David removed the blanket to give to Sadie. "I've got a variety of ages here. My husband has my grandson and nephew, who are three months and ten months. My daughter here is eighteen and my niece in ten months." "D, let me have the blanket. I'm cold and sick." What he didn't know was I just snorted another line before he took it. "May I ask an odd question?" "Sure, go ahead. And Sam your sister is cold." She looked confused. "Why is she in the cart if she's eighteen?" "Oh, she's got cancer, and is weak. Today's not one of her good days." She sighed. "Oh I'm so sorry to hear. My apologies for being so rude. Are they all related?" "Yes, eighteen year old is mum to the three month old, and sister to the twins. Not rude at all, I find you just curious as the rest." David smiled down at me.

We made our way back to the register and paid for some things we bought, then headed off to the bathroom. "You need to go still?" I didn't, I just wanted to snort more coke. I really do have a problem. "Yeah, I'll take her in with me. She smells really bad." He laughed as he parked outside of the restroom. I grabbed Sadie and took the diaper bag with me. No one was in the bathroom thank god. I took her into the stall and changed her first. "Okay Sadie don't you go telling Uncle David on me now." I said before I snorted a few lines. What was wrong with me? She cooed at me then laughed. "Okay Sadie let's go before someone comes in here lookin' for us." I was startled by a lady coming in. "Ma'am some men are looking for you. Do you know them? I can call security." "Yes I know them. They're my family." "So sorry for the mistake. I'll let you and your daughter get on your way then. Have a nice day ladies." She smiled. "You as well." I went out of the bathroom to see them standing there. Impatiently waiting for my arrival. "I'm okay dad. Why did you send some lady in there?" "I didn't send anyone in there. No one's been in there. I guess you're just seeing things." I didn't find that funny. I put her back in the seat, then got in myself.

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