Chapter 8

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Sophie felt way too happy. She hadn't realized how stressful the pent up feelings towards Keefe had been. It was like she'd been driving a knife slowly through her skull until someone had told her she didn't have to it anymore.

Sometimes Sophie really missed the human world. Even her indefinite lifespan seemed daunting, and occasionally she half heartedly wished she didn't have to feel the pressure of this long lifetime.

The only link to the human world was her iPod. According to the internet there had been at least one new model released since she'd gotten her version. Even though Sophie could not sing for the life of her, she couldn't picture her life without music. Right now she had her "Everything" playlist on, consisting of every song she'd ever remembered the name of. The genres switched between cliché pop songs, old music from old movies, and the occasional pop punk song. Right now the music was on "Our Song." Sophie sang along in an exaggerated country accent. Halfway through the song, she noticed Keefe was standing in the doorway. She blushed deeply.

"Is this human music?" Keefe inquired, not even sarcastic. Sophie remembered that Keefe couldn't understand English, thankfully.

"Yeah. This is my random playlist," she said. Right then, the music switched to something loud and angry, causing Keefe's face to scrunch up in reaction to the dramatic singing and guitar. Sophie slid off of her bed, laughing. "I guess you're not into emo music?" She said. Keefe just shook his head. "It grows on you, trust me. How about something more mellow?" Sophie suggested. Flipping through the playlist, she selected "Here Comes The Sun." "Let's dance."

"Dance?" Keefe asked. "To music?"

"What's the alternative? Do elves just hop around to random rhythms?" Sophie joked.

"Yes." Keefe answered.

"I'm so glad I'm not having a Winnowing Gala," Sophie tried to picture it. "Here, hand in my hand, around my waist, and then...we basically move back and forth."

"I love you." Sophie whispered.

"I love you, too." Keefe responded. Sophie smiled against his lips.

Sophie really wished that "I'll Make a Man Out of You" didn't need to suddenly interrupt their kiss. Well, for the few seconds it took before she turned into Li Shang, to Keefe's confusion.

I NEEDED this chapter. Obviously, it's just really fluffy and doesn't have really anything to do with plots or whatever but I always wanted a scene where Sophie listened to music and the others were this is awesome. Those all are songs I love, btw. I love Taylor (prior to 2017), and MCR, and the Beatles SO MUCH.

I want to start a non-KOTLC related book. I don't know if I could handle multiple books at the same time, I might start one soon or I might start one after I finish this. (I estimate 4 more chapters? I have major plot points mapped out but not specific chapters)

Bye lovelies! I need a quote so:

"Blades before babes, you know what I'm saying?"

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