Who am i - chapter 3 - That's it

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”This is our painting over the foun....” Minerva presented almost every painting but i stopped listening and looked around everywhere. - wait! Did she just say the founders? I will take a look later i guess. - It was amazing! The paintings moved and talked. Ghosts floated around and there were moving stairs. I mean could it get anymore amazing? I guess it could but for now im pretty happy with this. I wonder which house i'll get in? That reminds me.

”Which house will i be in? I mean how do you choose?” I asked her. She looked at me quite suprised at me for a moment, but i understood. She probably doesn't get that question a lot since those who enrolls here know about magic and everything like that, for example the method to see which house you were going into.

”Well, The Sorting Hat decides that.” She answered after a minute and opened a door.

”Sorting what?” I said but became quiet when i came into the office which belonged to the principal. I walked forward and around us in the room were many teachers. I walked forward to the desk with a chair with the back towards me.

”Em.. Hello?” I said unsure on what to say or expect. The chair turned around. A black woman in a beautiful dress and purple eyes looked at me with a smile. She was holding some kind of hat with face.. Not to be mean but it looked ugly.

”Hello. My name is Vivianne Eakerstitch and im Hogwarts principal. This is the sorting hat.” She introduced herself and the hat warmly with a smile.

”Sorting hat? Is it going to decide which house i will be in?” I asked a very stupid question, i know but come on! If you were in my situation it would seem perfectly sense!

”Yes. Now you can start Sorting hat.” Vivianne answered and the hat flew up before me. I dropped my suticase and looked at it in awe.

Oh you may not think i'm pretty,” He can say that again.

/ but don't judge me on what you see, / i'll eat myself if you can find/ a smarter hat than me.” He sang, it was a nice and rhyme song.

He landed on my head but instantly as he did, i felt pain and screamed while the hat also screamed. What's happening? The hat flew off me right into the wall while i sat down on the ground. As soon as he got off me the pain disappeared and i looked around to find it. One of the teachers took the hat and looked over it. Suddenly i felt hand on my shoulder. I turned around immediately with a shocked expression and saw a beautiful woman with wavy golden or orange hair. Her eyes was a shimmery golden colour, she didn't smile or anything but i can promise you that her eyes were filled with a warm also comforting.

”Are you okay?” She asked me calmly and helped me stand up.

”Yeah, thank you.” I answered her a bit dizzy. Im impressed i could answer.

”This is the fourth time.” A very short teacher said with an worried expression. Vivianne took up The Sorting Hat and petted it.

”What happened?” She asked it while he muttered something.

”She is... She is one of them.... Ravenclaw heir..” He muttered a little inchorantly but it seemed by the teachers expressions that they knew exactly what he was talking about, but i sure didn't.

”What the hell is going on!?” I asked worried about what was happening. They all looked at me with either a shocked or sympathic expression. Vivianne walked over to me with a serious expression and i couldn't help but back to the woman who helped me up.

”Tell me, have you had a strange dream? With a mysterious woman?” She asked me in all seriousness. First i couldn't answer. What was going on? A strange dream with a mysterious woman? Do they know about my wierd dreams.. By the look on her face i think she does.

Who am i - chapter 1 - Hogwarts, here i come!Where stories live. Discover now