Chapter 26: Brave Little Soldier Boy

Start from the beginning

"You got any fire power on you?" Sam asks over the roar of bullets eating their way into the metal of the car. He only realises his interesting choice of words after they've fallen past his lips.

"Why yes, Sammy," I grin, immensely pleased with myself. "I do have fire power on me."

Wait, shit, I don't. Do I? Lokimotion said they'd come back eventually, but have they?

Holding my right hand palm up, I narrow my gaze and sternly concentrate on my hand, willing something, anything to happen. The smallest of flames flickers for but a moment, too weak and definitely too short a time for me to even consider using any fire power anytime soon.

"I retract my statement from the record," I bitterly recant, scowling and dropping my hand. "Don't need fire to be a badass though."

Most of the heat of the gunfire seems to be pointed at Natasha when I peek over the hood of the car, watching her leap over the side of the bridge in a desperate attempt to dodge the grenade and onslaught of bullets. It's almost as if they've forgotten Sammy and I are here, for the whole group of agents and the Winter Soldier pause in their firing to head to the side of the bridge, an obvious attempt to locate Steve and Natasha.

In very little time I slip the half-way ski styled mask over the lower half of my face, a reminiscence of the Winter Soldier's own – minus the goggles he also wears with his – just in case of any gas attacks. Un-holstering one of my handguns – always have two for back up these days – I slam it into Sammy's chest and wink. Stumbling for a moment, he stares sternly at me, the both of scrambling for some semblance of control of the situation. "If we're gonna get back to Steve and Natasha, we're going to need an escape plan," Sam announces, earning an amused snort from me.

My voice sounds more robotic – yet still female – and fairly altered as a result of the inbuilt voice synthesizer in my mask when I respond. "Escape plan? You say that like any of them will be left alive to escape from."

Ash in the snow
Falling so slow
Like fragile, broken hearts
With no place to go.

Rolling out into the open, I rise to a stand and narrow my arrogant gaze on the HYDRA agents closest to me. Cocking my head to the side, a rather smug smirk remains glued to my lips even though none can see it, and I find myself unable to hold back the small, dry chuckle that escapes the back of my throat. "So, they call you the Winter Soldier? Oh honey, didn't you hear? I own winter."

Cartwheeling, a raging swarm of frost follows and dances around my movements swiftly, surging towards the group of hostiles in a few seconds flat. Some narrowly dodge from what I can see, but others prove not to be so lucky. Cries of agony and pain as frost burns and eats into the skin of the agents affected convulse in the air, the sounds jumping in an out of my ears in between my cartwheels and high kicks. However, it doesn't take long before the open fire of bullets is turned onto me.

Some men head off to find Nat, others presumably to find Steve, but a generous amount remain behind to shoot at Sam and I, one of them being the Winter Soldier himself.

Little soldier boy
Come marching home
Brave soldier boy
Come marching home

His standard military issue semi-automatic is aimed directly at me, and I have mere moments to bolt to the side of the road and vault over the divider in the middle of the highway to avoid the fire. As I run, my hands swoop to the side, as if flicking someone away, resulting in a forceful torrent of frost to knock all the agents off their feet and momentarily freeze the lower halves of their bodies in place, giving Sammy a chance to take out a few more at a quicker rate. The Winter Soldier, however, slams his metal hand into the concrete, keeping himself firmly planted on the ground and shattering the ice collected at his feet.

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