Casualties and injuries

Start from the beginning

"Present"Mark says.

"Present." Shane says.

"Present." Nate said.

"Thank god, now let's move slow boys."I say and we make our way in. I can see we're slowly being surrounded and a firefight ensues. Were taking cover and slowly taking them out luckily so far we only have a few scrapes.

"Shit." I say.

"Mare what happened?" Tristan asks concerned.

"I'm alright I was hit in the arm." I reply as we make our way inside to our target, to take him out. I move forward and take him out.

"Everyone fall back he's got the place rigged." I yell as we all run. Shane is hurt and we're behind the others. I grab Shane and help him out and when I do a blast goes off and we go flying forward, I hit my head on a rock. Austin comes and helps me up while Ben and Mark help Shane up. Next thing I know everything goes black.

Tristan's POV

"Mare." I scream I pick her up and we make it to the rendezvous point. We all head back base to get looked at, Mare still hasn't woken up. She has a nasty gash on her forehead. We soon make it back to base and all get checked over. Several hours later Captain Evans comes up to us.

"Your all going home, your belongings have been packed and are on the plane. From what I saw she saved most of you." The Captain says sadly.

"What do you mean sir?" Austin asks worried.

"Shane didn't make it his injuries were too severe. If it wasn't for Rory he wouldn't have made it out of the building. When Rory wakes up call me I need to notify her." The Captain says.

"Notify her of what sir?" I ask confused.

"She was the only family that Shane had, she's his next of kin." The Captain says his voice choking up.

"Alright we'll call you when she wakes up." Mark says.

"When your on the plane call her husband too." The Captain orders us and we all nod. The doctor will be escorting us because of all of our injuries. We're up in the air and have been for a few hours when I make my way to the doctor.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask concerned.

"I think she's in a coma, she hit her head really hard. I won't know for sure until we do some scans when were stateside." He says checking Rory over. I make the call that I'm dreading. I dial and he picks up on the second ring.

"Hello." He answers.

"Hey Finn, it's Tristan." I say.

"Hey man, why are you calling me and not Rory?" He asks concerned.

"We're all on our way home."I start to say but was cut off.

"That's great man, let me talk to Rory." he says excitedly. I sigh and run my hand through my hair.

"I'm sorry man that's not possible right now." I say sadly.

"Tristan is love ok?" He asks worriedly.

"Finn she hit her head and she's still out, most of us are safe. We all got injured and we were sent home." I say.

"What do you mean mostly?" Finn asks worried.

"Shane didn't make it." I say sadly.

"Oh man that's going to kill Rory." Finn says sadly.

"Listen man I'll call when we're an hour away and meet us at the hospital ok?" I tell him.

"Sure man thanks." He says and we hang up.

Finn's POV

I just got off the phone with Tristan. Rory's hurt, hell their all hurt and Shane didn't make it. I'm lost in my thoughts when I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up.

"Man are you alright?" Robert asks concerned.

"No I'm not." I said sadly with tears starting to roll down my cheeks.

"What happened?" Colin asks concerned.

"They all got injured and one didn't make it." I say sadly.

"Oh my god." Robert exclaims.

"Who didn't make it?" Colin ask with fear.

"Shane." Was all I could say.

"How's Rory? Did you talk to her?" Robert probes further.

"I didn't talk to her she hit her head and she's still out." I say with tears. There we sat lost in our own thoughts waiting for the call to come, soon it finally came.

"We're an hour out meet us there."Tristan says and hangs up.

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