Who am i - chapter 1 - Hogwarts, here i come!

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It's this dream again... Im on a tower on some kind of castle. Im very high up and i can see beynd the lakes and forests. And as always i heard the sounds of high heels coming closer. I turned around to see the woman i always see. She always wears a long, dark blue dress with a white undershirt with short but frilly arms. Her raven black hair was as straight as ever and made her already light skin almost look white. Her dark eyes who looked on me was as always amused and wise. She came towards me smiling and stood beside me looking at the scenery.

”And here we go again..” I said with a sigh and looked at her, waiting for a reaction. As always she smiled and chuckled to my boldness. She looked at me with a smile.

”What is happening again my dear?” She asked with that smug smile. For some reason i hated that she always seemed to know more than me, even about myself.

”This dream.. We always meet in this tower and you always look like that. Why am i still dreaming this dream?” I asked her and crossed my arms.

”That i can't tell you, as i always say. But you will know eventually.” She answered me and took the same pose as me.

”Why do i even bother to ask?” I asked myself ironically.

”Because you like to find out things, you like to be one step ahead. And you like to come up with new ways to make me leak information, you really remind me of myself. ” She said with a cunning smile.

”And who is ”Myself?” ” I asked and made gestures with my fingers when i said myself.

”You will find out when it's time.” She said and everyhting got blurry.

I tried to run after her but the vision of her, the place vanished and everything turned dark. I looked around and spotted a small ligth ball coming towards me. I reached for it with my hand and i could swear i saw claws. The sound from striking thounder woke me up from my sleep. I looked around in my room and with drowsy dizzyness i got to the window. I looked at the sky and there were very dark clouds. Thunder stroke again and i screamed. I have always hated thounder. I don't know if it was the sound or the electric force that scared me. I didn't have to know, all i know it's freaking scary! I saw my reflection in the window. My dark brown, usually wavy her stood out in all directions. It almost looked as if i had actually got hit by the lightning. My grey eyes, who usually were pretty tough looked as if they would explode if they got any wider. I wore a light pink flanell pyjamas pants with a light blue tank top. Soon i heard footsteps coming from the hallway to my room. My door flew up and my big sister came in.

She and i looked very alike except that she had rose red hair and little freckles on her ligth skin. She wore a indigo, night gawn and a white flanell robe.

I didn't hesitate to run into her arms and bury my hair into her chest. My sister hugged me tightly before making me look up.

”Don't worry, it's going away. Let's go into my bedroom for now until it's gone, okay?” She asked caringly and i only nodded.

I hate being like this, but i really can't help it. I have always been frightened by thunder. But it wasn't until our parents accident that i got really scared.

5 years ago when i was eleven, my parents died. We, my sister, brother, dad and mom was driving to our aunt. All of a sudden the car stopped working and there were a strange smell that showered us. I remember that mom looked really scared and told us to run. My brother and sister got out of the car while i was stuck. Before anyone could help me a white ligth omitted us and all i could hear was painful screams. That's when i heard the woman of my dreams speak something unhearable, a light emitted my body and i survived while my parents died. The doctors didn't know what to say, except thta i were a living miracle. I don't see myself as it but im thankful that im living. I miss my parents dearly and i will never stop being afraid of the damn thunder.

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