Chapter 3 - Part 1

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Walking into Darlene's was a little like walking a few decades into the past.

It was in the back corner of an old strip mall downtown, and with the mall closed at nine, after-hours they'd use what was meant to be the back entrance as the main. This was generally not a problem, since newcomers were uncommon and loyal customers arrived early.

The bar was dark and dingy with decor that hadn't been updated since the eighties, and saw regular use since then. It's carpeting was worn down to nonexistence, the barstools had once been upholstered in what looked like velvet but was barely recognizable as more than burlap now, and there was peeling paint on the walls, along with holes and cracks that developed over the years, mended with white spackle but never painted over to match.

It smelled of cigarette smoke— despite the indoor smoking ban — and liquor. No, not liquor. It was how someone smelled after drinking a lot of liquor. A lot if cheap liquor. And under the sharp high notes lingered a sour stench that Desi didn't really want to consider what it could be from.

If he was anyone else, the pungent reminder of just how low brow Darlene's was would have probably put a damper on Desi's positive mood, but he wasn't just anyone. He'd already decided that they were going to make the most of the night, and was excited to do so, despite Nic's growing complaints to cover his nerves and Ashley's first response to arriving being a simple "ew".

"Consider it practice for when we get a real gig." Desi offered to the group while unloading equipment from Nic's truck to bring inside.

Wyatt quite nearly growled in response, protesting on his family's behalf. "This is a real gig. Or would you like me to let my dad know how you feel about it? I'm sure he wouldn't mind saving his money if it's just practice."

Desi exchanged an eye roll with Nic as he handed off a speaker before elaborating. "I just meant, there's no reason to be nervous. If we fuck up it's not like anyone is going to see it."

Ashley interjected with a scoff from her spot lounging in the passenger seat. "Sorry, but if you guys embarrass yourselves I'm socially obligated to upload the video."

Nic's reply was an actual growl, stopping as he passed her to bark, "what the fuck social obligation is that?"

She grinned under his glare, popping her gum and shrugging. "Humanitarian obligations. Lots of people will be entertained by your suffering. The net value of wellbeing will go up."

Desi waved off her teasing, giving Nic a reassuring nudge into the bar. "Doesn't matter. We're not going to embarrass ourselves, right?"

Nic looked skeptical, and after thinking about it he groaned and muttered, "I need a drink. Where are those beers your dad promised, Wyatt?"

Abandoned by his bandmates as they went to search for alcohol, Desi grabbed the last of their gear, motioning with a head tilt for Ashley's help. "Can you take our cable bag, babe?"

"I came here to look hot and film you guys, not to do manual labor." Her words were flat but she delivered them with a teasing smirk on her fire red lips.

"Come on, don't be a brat. Give me a hand and let the babies get a little buzzed to loosen their nerves." Desi responded over his shoulder, motioning her to follow. She mocked a exasperated groan before getting out of the truck, shutting the passenger door, and then the trunk after collecting the duffle bag of cords.

They criss-crossed together through an arrangement of old, worn tables and their loudly conversing occupants over to the small corner stage in the back. Desi discarded his load with the rest of the gear, then turned to deliver a suggestive addition to Ashley's ear. "Besides, if you help, I'll show you my appreciation tonight."

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