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I soon found myself lost in those eyes. I remember when we were just innocent children running free in the grassy lands that were owned by our parents.

"We were so carefree..." I said to Cora but she could not hear me. She was dead and I knew it.

Our parents were so generous I thought as I remembered the sight of Mom and Dad giving money to the poor. But that all soon came to an end as Mother was accused of witchcraft the sight of Mother being hung was devastating to me. But with time I soon got over the overwhelming grief with the help of my sister, we all got through it. We soon, found ourselves in a small house, because Father could no longer afford our house in the meadows. For he spent our money on drinking.

The memory of Father waking us in our small room in the late night. He walked into our room drunkenly. And announced

" Come here children I'm getting money, but you have to do something in return for me to get that money." He hiccuped.

"What do we have to do?" We asked cheerfully. "These people are going to buy you two." He slurred. We were out the door now, there was no escape, it was too late.

The men grabbed us and put us in shackles.

"You're going to America!" Father laughed. I looked into his eyes hoping my ears were failing me. I looked in his eyes, for an explanation. there was no emotion except loss, sadness, and grief. He only gave us a smile in return. The men handed him a sack of what I knew as coins and they pulled on our chains making us follow.

We soon got on a large ship. Of which I soon found out later was a slave ship. The moment I got on, the overwhelming smell of Manure and old vomit... Washed over us. Cora nearly fainted at the surprise of the horrible stench. I was startled at the sight of some people that had unnatural black skin. Some people had pale skin. Some had tan skin. We were forced to sit down next to a crying woman. And what seemed to be her husband. When she heard our chains she gave us a look of sympathy.

After the long treacherous ride over the sea we were herded out the ship and into a straight line.

"You were always there for me," I said. Through all the tough times you were there for me, and "I watched you die...." I wept feeling sorry for my sister.

I heard masters footsteps behind me. In fear, I quickly kissed my sister's forehead and put her body in the hole.

"goodbye, Cora," I said

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