Only Love Can Hurt Like This.....

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Siena P.O.V

I looked around the room for Nic I needed to know what his up to. Why he decided to make a sceptical in front of everyone. There was a reason behind it all Nic don't do anything out of the kindness of his heart. That is one thing I've learnt since he had come back into my life. Is that he was always scheming and plotting and this time it seems as if he trying to involve this young girl. I had given Davina that gift for two reasons. One being that it was to annoy Genevieve I didn't like the way they singled out Davina. Just because they didn't think she deserved to be appreciated because of her actions working with vampires. That wasn't wrong of her to do that. There shouldn't be sides to take as a witch you hold the balance of nature. Witches are meant to help to restore that it shouldn't matter if helping a humans or a supernatural. My second reason for giving Davina that gift was because I sense a lot of power generating from her. Nothing I had ever felt before from anyone else only within myself. Davina wasn't any normal witch she had something special growing within her. From the looks of it her own kind didn't trust her and the vampires in this town just wanted to abuse her powers.

Whereas I just want to help her. I don't know why I felt that I had to do that. Maybe it's because when I looked at her she reminded me of the girl I was once. The Siena who still had control over her life and not consumed with this dark force that growing within me. I could feel that as each day that went by I was losing a small part of that person that I once was. I know what my future hold for me I know I'm not going to live a long eternal life. As dimidium sanguinis I know I'm going to go down a dark path. I'm already walking it and I'm frighten of where it's going to lead me. I've made many mistakes already and if the truth be told I feel that my humanity slipping away. What would I be without my humanity? I've seen what it has done to the people close to me. What would I be without it? I'm dimidium sanguinis immortal vampire if my humanity goes then the stories will all be true. I have been told how I'm going to be this unstoppable thing upon the earth. That I will literally bringing hell to earth. Nothing is truly unstoppable. I know I'm going to be living a dark life until the day comes when that one person takes me down. If the last thing that I do before I completely lose myself is help Davina save her from this misery. Then that would be my last legacy before I truly let the darkness consume me.

I looked across the room and saw Davina with her friend Josh. She had a worrisome expression upon her face. I wanted to go there and make sure she was okay but as I was about to leave Nic was stood in front of me. He stood there with a smile upon his face while I felt anger build up inside me. I began to reflect back to what Lucas had told me this afternoon. We what happen in New York with Nic coming into town had caused destruction. I knew what I had to do to find out the complete truth but tonight wasn't the right time for that. Tonight I will be fake smiling pretending that everything perfect but once that sun rises. There is going to be a part of me that the three of them won't want to see. These three men in my life they have lied to me. I intend to be dealing with all of them individually.

"I hear you made quite an impression tonight with your extravagant gift." Nic spoke smoothly. If he think he going to get another night of passion from me he clearly mistaken. I didn't want to justify my reason for giving the diamond he had given to me to Davina.

"Well I thought she truly deserved diamonds more" I tried to keep my composure every part of me wanted to tear into him but now wasn't the time or place. One thing I have learnt being around vampires is when you're going to attack your enemy. There need to be an element of surprise and that what I intend to.

"Mhmmm" Nic placed his arms around my waist it began to make my skin crawl. I could feel my blood boiling as I continued with this charade that everything perfect. "Well you still look beautifully radiant sweetheart" He leans in and kisses me. I just wanted to push him away and send him flying across the room of course I couldn't cause a scene. He pulled away and looked into my eyes "You seem a little preoccupied. It wouldn't have anything to do with your estrange husband present here tonight?" He asked while looking at me intensely. It annoyed me how he referred to Damon as my estrange husband. He was my husband but a lying and deceitful one. My behaviour right now had nothing to do with Damon being here. Even though seeing him here did strike up emotions of guilt as soon as I saw him.

'Your Love Consume Me Part 2' A Damon Salvatore Love Story. Part Of 'Epic Love Saga'Where stories live. Discover now