She knows Draco Malfoy!?

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Hermione' s POV

Ohnygoddd I would have paid a thousand galleons to watch everyone's expressions (except mom and dad's who already knew it was me and also about the plan of shocking everyone) again and again!

No one spoke for what seemed like an hour but was just 5 minutes. Not wasting any time I went towards mom and dad and gave them a tight hug and went inside the hotel.

I could hear my cousins whispering behind me about how I would have stolen money or else was faking everything! I snickered at this and just gave them a smirk that would make Draco run for his money!
On arriving at the reception I saw Teddy Lupin (He was working there for an internship in business management)
I quickly went towards him and gave him a quick hug. He knew all about my snotty family and gave me a sad smile to which I simply smiled. Seeing Teddy my cousins wasted no time flirting with him! Oh my his face😂😂😂

Feeling sad for him I rescued him and asked for the keys. He gave everyone their keys and me the Master Bedroom Golden Card. When Priscilla and Ana saw this they threw a tantrum.

"Hermione give my daughters what they deserve!" Said Uncle Tom
"E-ex-excuse me???"
"I said give them your suite card. You anyway don't deserve it "
" Being related to the owner of this Hotel I think I deserve atleast this much Uncle" I said and walked past them into the elevator

"SHE KNOWS DRACO MALFOYYYY??? " screamed all my cousins together!
The elevator simply closed giving them a nice smirking face to see!!

The next day I woke up with a bad stomach.I emptied the contents of my stomach and took a quick bath after which I got dressed for the oh-so-Granger-family breakfast.

I slipped into my white jumpsuit put on a little makeup with mascara,eyeliner and hot pink lipstick and went down for the breakfast.
"Tsk tsk it's the ugly beaver" I heard Rhea and Regine say at the same time
Completely ignoring them I went to sit beside mum.
Suddenly I heard Ana,Priscilla and Sasha running into the room screaming at the top of their lungs

I smirked at my cousins and told them that since she was best friends with him he had come to visit her.
On hearing this Aunt Iris ran towards me and ordered me to introduce Regina to Draco so that they can marry and have beautiful children.
I scoffed at her and simply told her that Regine can never have beautiful children.

This earned me a tight scary look which I chose to ignore.
It was this moment that Draco chose to enter.

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