Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

"Thank you so much for hiring me back. I won't disappoint you." I smiled at her, and she smiled back.


I got ready, when I mean I got ready I just wore a simple dress. I do not own anything fancy. Hudaa wouldn't have dared to let me go out like this. I do miss her, we are meeting up this weekend though. I heard a soft knock at the door, I opened it and it was Ahmed dressed in his usual suit.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes I am. Let me get my purse," I said, running to the bed and taking my clutch bag. Before I followed him downstairs I went to check on Imad, hopefully he was already in bed asleep. I opened the door to his room carefully and see Alice sitting on the edge of his bed reading to him his favorite book.

"Good night," I whisper, still standing by the door.

"Night, he's already asleep. Have fun," she whispers back and grins. I close the door and quickly go down the stairs, I go outside and see Ahmed already in his car. Busy on his phone. I walk to to the car and open the back door of the Range Rover.

"What do you think you are doing?" He asked. I looked at him, confused. "How would it look if we arrived at the restaurant, and my so called wife getting out of the back seat of my car when I am the one who is driving."  I closed the back door. I breathed in and opened the door to the front seat, I got in and fastened my seat belt. The mood in the car was pensive, fidgeting with my fingers kept me calm.

My phone started ringing. I took it out of my clutch bag and looked at the screen. It's... Adil. My heart pounded, my hands started to feel clammy holding my phone. I didn't know what to do. "Aren't you going to answer that?" Ahmed asked, bursting my thought bubble.

"Uh n-no," I falter.

"Who is it anyway?" He shares a quick glance at me and looks back at the road. Since when does he care...

"No one," I put back my phone in my clutch bag. "Imad found out today that we are married. He's been asking me the whole day if it's true. I told him we would talk to him about it together," I spoke, trying to change the subject.

"We will talk to him tomorrow." And that was the last thing he said until we got to the restaurant. I looked out side the window, still thinking about the phone call. Scolding myself, why didn't I just pick up the call. Would I even be able to say something, or listen to him speak without breaking down. I have not even told him that I am married to Ahmed — his cousin. I wonder what he will think of me once I tell him. The worst part is that he will never know the truth, until I get a divorce from Ahmed. We agreed no one should know the truth behind our marriage.

The car stopped, but my mind didn't stop making scenes on how I would tell Adil. That is if I ever got the courage to face him. I got out of the car, and stood by the car waiting for Ahmed. Crying was no option, and nor was looking like a grieving widow.

We walked side by side, our hands occasionally brushing against each other, we aren't actually holding hands. I could feel my heart in my throat, and a warm and weird feeling in my stomach. Before we entered the restaurant, he clasps my hand fully, interlacing our fingers. His hand grasping my entire hand. The weird feeling in my stomach got intense, leaving me with literally no words and a racing heart beat. I closed my eyes for a split second trying to reassure my self, that everything will be okay.

We entered the restaurant and a waiter showed us to our table — a table for two. That has a great view of the ocean. I take my sit and look at the view and indulge myself in the beautiful scenery. I felt a warmth on my hand, I turn to see Mr Ahmed resting his hand on mine.

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