The King, Queen, and Royal Guards

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I walk into the abandoned warehouse, the soft pit pat of my steps echoing throughout the steel walls. I stop directly in the middle of the empty room, looking around. I see it, hunched in the corner.

A mid-level Monster sat in the corner munching on what seems to be a business man. The squelching and tearing sounds of the flesh being torn and eaten sends shivers down my spine. The sound of the bellowing swallow only makes it worse.

"I'll never get use to this, will I? Karma, the coast is clear... I've found it. Same for all of you out there. I'm gonna need backup."

I watch as Karma drops from the roof, landing softly on his feet. Karma stood at about shoulder level to me. Of course, I wasn't the tallest guy in the world, but Karma was definitely one of the smallest. His size and shape made for good evasive skills, something that I lacked horribly. I feel a slight chill as Neptune appears besides me, pulling her own material body through the Astral realm.

"You know, Nep, that's a waste of energy..."

Neptune scoffs slightly and looks at me with an almost rebellious look on her face. Her stark white hair and cobalt eyes shimmered slightly under the dim light bouncing from wall to wall in the warehouse.

"Yeah, and you being authoritative as hell is annoying as hell, King"

Her tone was sarcastic, letting me know that she was simply joking

"You know I don't like discussing ranks, Neptune. Please don't call me by mine."

I point to the well disguised Monster in the corner. The rest of the guards begin to pour in.

Yuuto, Cherry, Sunstone, Kai, Kyo and Rikian. They all gather behind me and stare blankly as the Monster finishes his meal. He moves, revealing a wall soaked with blood and half eaten organs. It looks at us, blood and intestines hanging from its mouth.

"Disgusting beast... You assholes can't even eat your entire victim... At least we didn't run into a God level monster "

I look at Neptune, clenching my jaw. 

"Oi, Nep. Take me up to one of those beams. I'll need to keep my body safe."

Neptune nods and takes my shoulder, projecting her astral form to one of the beams supporting the roof and pulling myself and her material body through the astral realm between. I stand on the beam, perfectly balanced as I survey the situation below.

"Well, let's get this started, shall we?"


Yeah, I'm still just teasing you guys.

As for ranks (Which are based on the significance and usefulness of the character's skill), this is how it goes:

King: Shuya Hideaki

Queen: Neptune Taru'zenari

Knight(s): Yuuto, Karma, Rikian

Rook(s): Kyo, Kai, Sunstone

Bishop(s): Cherry


Late character submission!

Neptune Taru'zenari ((Talivana))

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Neptune Taru'zenari ((Talivana))

Neptune Taru'zenari ((Talivana))

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Rikian Okami ((AoT-is-Love))

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